Page 25 - NCERT Science Class 10 English Medium
P. 25

Note that the metal in the above reactions displaces hydrogen atoms
                                     from the acids as hydrogen gas and forms a compound called a salt.
                                     Thus, the reaction of a metal with an acid can be summarised as –
                                         Acid + Metal → Salt + Hydrogen gas

                                         Can you now write the equations for the reactions you have observed?

                                          Activity    2.4
                                          Activity 2.4
                                          Activity 2.42.4
                                          Activity 2.4
                                         n Place a few pieces of granulated zinc metal in a test tube.
                                         n Add 2 mL of sodium hydroxide solution and warm the contents
                                           of the test tube.
                                         n Repeat the rest of the steps as in Activity 2.3 and record your

                                         The reaction that takes place can be written as follows.
                                         2NaOH(aq) + Zn(s) → Na ZnO (s) + H (g)
                                                                 2    2      2
                                                                 (Sodium zincate)

                                         You find again that hydrogen is formed in the reaction. However,
                                     such reactions are not possible with all metals.

                                     2.1.3 How do Metal Carbonates and Metal
                                            Hydrogencarbonates React with Acids?
                                                                     Activity 2.52.5
                                                                     Activity 2.5
                                                                     Activity 2.5
                                                                   n Take two test tubes, label them as A
                                                                      and B.
                                                                   n Take about 0.5 g of sodium carbonate
                                                                      (Na CO ) in test tube A and about
                                                                         2   3
                                                                      0.5 g of sodium hydrogencarbonate
                                                                      (NaHCO ) in test tube B.
                                                                   n Add about 2 mL of dilute HCl to both
                                                                      the test tubes.
                                                                   n What do you observe?
                                                                   n Pass the gas produced in each case
                                                                      through    lime   water   (calcium
              Figure 2.2
              Figure 2.2
              Figure 2.2
              Figure 2.2                                              hydroxide solution) as shown in
              Figure 2.2
              Passing carbon dioxide gas                              Fig. 2.2 and record your observations.
              through calcium hydroxide
                                         The reactions occurring in the above Activity are written as –
                                         Test tube A: Na CO (s) + 2  HCl(aq) → 2 Na Cl(aq) +  H O(l) + CO (g)
                                                         2   3                                2         2
                                         Test tube B: NaHCO (s) +  HCl(aq) →   Na Cl(aq) +  H O(l) + CO (g)
                                                             3                              2         2
                                         On passing the carbon dioxide gas evolved through lime water,
                                                      Ca(OH) (aq) +  CO (g) →  CaCO s +    H O(l)
                                                             2          2            3       2
                                                      (Lime water)           (White precipitate)
                20                                                                                   Science

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