Page 15 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 15

4.  Arrange the following countries as per their HDI rankings. (Smallest rank first)
                               (a)  India         (b)  Pakistan          (c)  Nepal         (d)  Sri Lanka
                               (a)  A, B, C, D                           (b)  B, A, D, C
                         Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                               (c)  D, A, C, B                           (d)  C, B, A, D
                         Ans.  (c)  D, A, C, B
                            5.  Choose the incorrect option from the following:
                               (a)  The level of development is indicated by the level of national income of the countries
                                  of the world.
                               (b)  National income is the value of all final goods  and services produced in a country
                                  during a year.
                               (c)  Increase in national income indicates proportionate increase in availability of goods and
                                  services to the people.
                               (d)  Increase in national income is regarded as an important development goal for a country.
                         Ans.  (c)  Increase in national income indicates proportionate increase in availability of goods and
                                  services to the people.

                            6.  Choose the correct option from the following:
                               (a)  Income alone is considered as an indicator of development.
                               (b)  IMR indicates the number of children that die before the age of 5 years out of 1000 children.
                               (c)  The concept of Sustainable development was first propounded by World Commission
                                  on Environment and Development in 1978.
                               (d)  Per capita income can be obtained by dividing national income by the whole population.
                         Ans.  (d)  Per capita income can be obtained by dividing national income by the whole population.

                            7.  Choose the correct option from the following to define sustainable development?
                               (a)  It means optimal utilization of natural resources.
                               (b)  Sustainable use of natural resources without considering the need of the future generation.
                               (c)  Present generation fulfills its needs while considers the needs of the future generation as well.
                               (d)  None of these
                         Ans.  (c)  Present generation fulfills its needs while considers the needs of the future generation as well.

                            8.  Match the following and choose the correct option.

                                           Category of Persons                    Developmental Goals
                                1. Rich farmer with large land holdings  (i) A regular job and a high income.
                                2.  Farmer who depends only on rain for   (ii)  To get  a good and  proper education
                                    irrigation                              to her children.
                                3.   A rural woman from a land-owning family (iii)   Assured higher support price for their crops.

                                4. An unemployed urban youth           (iv) Improve irrigation facilities for his farm.
                               (a)  1. – (ii), 2. – (iii), 3. – (iv), 4. – (i)

                               (b)  1. – (iii), 2. – (iv), 3. – (ii), 4. – (i)
                               (c)  1. – (iii), 2. – (ii), 3. – (i), 4. – (iv)
                               (d)  1. – (ii), 2. – (iv), 3. – (iii), 4. – (i)
                         Ans.  (b)  1. – (iii), 2. – (iv), 3. – (ii), 4. – (i)

            Economics  Class X                                                                                    E-13
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