Page 64 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 64

3          Money and Credit

               Goyal Brothers Prakashan

                        Money as a MediuM of exchange
                           A person can easily exchange money for any good or service he wants.
                           Therefore,  everyone prefers to make and receive  payment  in money so that it can be
                            exchanged for the things that they want.
                           Example: If a shoe manufacture  wants to sell shoes in the market and he wants to buy
                            wheat. So, first he will exchange shoes for money and then use the money to buy wheat.
                            These transactions would have been so difficult if money is not used. In that case he would
                            have to look for a wheat growing farmer who not only wants to sell wheat but also wants
                            to buy the shoes in exchange.  That  is, both parties  have to agree  to sell  and buy each
                            other’s commodities. This is known as double coincidence of wants.
                           Double coincidence of wants is an essential feature in case of barter system where goods
                            are directly exchanged for goods without the use of money.
                           But, in an economy where money is used, it eliminates the need for double coincidence of wants.
                           A shoe manufacturer will not have to look for a farmer who will buy the shoes produced
                            by him and at the same time ready to sell his wheat. He just has to find a buyer who will
                            buy his shoes in exchange for money and then he can go to the market to buy wheat.
                           Since money acts as an intermediate  in the exchange  process, it is called  a  medium of

                                                     Lets  work  these  out                        (Page No. 40)
                         1. How does the use of money make it easier to exchange things?
                         Ans. Use of money has eliminated the need for double coincidence of wants where a good can
                            be exchanged for a good. Money is used as a medium of exchange and hence the use of
                            money has made it easier to exchange things.

                          2. Can you think of some examples of goods / services being exchanged or wages being paid
                            through barter?
                         Ans. Yes, there are cases where goods/services are exchanged or wages being paid through barter.
                            Example:  In rural areas, foodgrains are exchanged for other crops. It is also common in
                            villages where landless labourer works on other farmer’s land and get wages in kind like
                            5 kg of wheat for a day’s work. There are certain schemes by government where wages
                            are paid in kind.

                        Modern forMs of Money
                           Money acts as a medium of exchange in transactions but before the introduction of coins,
                            a variety  of objects  was used as money. For instance,  from ancient  times,  Indians used
                            grains and cattle as money. Subsequently, the practice  of using metallic  coins including
                            gold, silver, copper emerged and persisted until the recent past century.

            Economics  Class X                                                                                    E-55
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