Page 136 - NCERT Science Class 10 English Medium
P. 136

What happens when pea plants showing two different
                 characteristics, rather than just one, are bred with each other?
                 What do the progeny of a tall plant with round seeds and a short
                 plant with wrinkled-seeds look like? They are all tall and have
                 round seeds. Tallness and round seeds are thus dominant traits.
                 But what happens when these F1 progeny are used to generate
                 F2 progeny by self-pollination? A Mendelian experiment will find
                 that some F2 progeny are tall plants with round seeds, and some
                 were short plants with wrinkled seeds.  However, there would also
                 be some F2 progeny that showed new combinations. Some of them
                 would be tall, but have wrinkled seeds, while others would be short,
                 but have round seeds. You can see as to how new combinations of         Figure  8.4
                                                                                         Figure 8.4
                                                                                         Figure 8.4
                                                                                         Figure 8.48.4
                 traits are formed in F2 offspring when factors controlling for seed
                 shape and seed colour recombine to form zygote leading to form                    x
                 F2 offspring (Fig. 8.5). Thus, the tall/short trait and the round            RR yy    rr YY
                                                                                           (round, green) (wrinkled, yellow)
                 seed/wrinkled seed trait are independently inherited.
                                                                                              Ry        rY
                 8.2.3 How do these Traits get Expressed?
                 How does the mechanism of heredity work? Cellular DNA is                             F1
                 the information source for making proteins in the cell. A section                 Rr Yy
                                                                                                (round, yellow)
                 of DNA that provides information for one protein is called the
                 gene for that protein. How do proteins control the                                x
                 characteristics that we are discussing here? Let us take the                Rr Yy      Rr Yy
                                                                                              F1         F1
                 example of tallness as a characteristic. We know that plants
                 have hormones that can trigger growth. Plant height can thus                RY  Ry   rY  ry
                 depend on the amount of a particular plant hormone. The       F2
                 amount of the plant hormone made will depend on the                    RY
                 efficiency of the process for making it. Consider now an enzyme            RRYY  RRYy  RrYY  RrYy
                 that is important for this process. If this enzyme works
                 efficiently, a lot of hormone will be made, and the plant will be
                                                                                            RRYy  RRyy  RrYy  Rryy
                 tall. If the gene for that enzyme has an alteration that makes
                 the enzyme less efficient, the amount of hormone will be less,
                 and the plant will be short. Thus, genes control characteristics,          RrYY  RrYy  rrYY  rrYy
                 or traits.                                                             ry
                    If the interpretations of Mendelian experiments we have been            RrYy  Rryy  rrYy  rryy
                 discussing are correct, then both parents must be contributing
                 equally to the DNA of the progeny during sexual reproduction.         315 round, yellow  9
                 We have disscussed this issue in the previous Chapter. If both        108 round, green   3
                 parents can help determine the trait in the progeny, both parents     101 wrinkled, yellow  3
                 must be contributing a copy of the same gene. This means that         32 wrinkled, green  1
                 each pea plant must have two sets of all genes, one inherited from
                                                                                       556 seeds          16
                 each parent. For this mechanism to work, each germ cell must
                 have only one gene set.                                              Figure 9.5 Independent inheritance of two
                                                                                      separate traits, shape and colour of seeds
                                                                                         Figure 8.5
                                                                                         Figure 8.5
                                                                                         Figure  8.5
                                                                                         Figure 8.58.5
                    How do germ-cells make a single set of genes from the normal two     Independent inheritance
                 copies that all other cells in the body have? If progeny plants inherited a  of two separate traits,
                 single whole gene set from each parent, then the experiment explained   shape and colour of seeds
                 in Fig. 8.5 cannot work. This is because the two characteristics ‘R’ and
                 ‘y’ would then be linked to each other and cannot be independently
                 Heredity                                                                                 131

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