Page 168 - NCERT Science Class 10 English Medium
P. 168

(a) Myopia
                      Myopia is also known as near-
                      sightedness. A person with myopia
                      can see nearby objects clearly but
                      cannot see distant objects distinctly.
                      A person with this defect has the far
                      point nearer than infinity. Such a
                      person may see clearly upto a
                      distance of a few metres. In a myopic
                      eye, the image of a distant object is
                      formed in front of the retina [Fig.
                      10.2 (b)] and not at the retina itself.
                      This defect may arise due to (i)
                      excessive curvature of the eye lens,
                      or (ii) elongation of the eyeball. This
                      defect can be corrected by using a
                      concave lens of suitable power. This
                                                            Figure 10.2
                                                            Figure 10.210.2
                                                            Figure 10.2
                      is illustrated in Fig. 10.2 (c). A
                                                            (a), (b) The myopic eye, and (c) correction for myopia with a
                      concave lens of suitable power will   concave lens
                      bring the image back on to the
                      retina and thus the defect is corrected.
                 (b)  Hypermetropia
                      Hypermetropia is also known as far-sightedness.
                      A person with hypermetropia can see distant
                      objects clearly but cannot see nearby objects
                      distinctly. The near point, for the person, is farther
                      away from the normal near point (25 cm). Such a
                      person has to keep a reading material much
                      beyond 25 cm from the eye for comfortable
                      reading. This is because the light rays from a
                      closeby object are focussed at a point behind the
                      retina as shown in Fig. 10.3 (b). This defect arises
                      either because (i) the focal length of the eye lens is
                      too long, or (ii) the eyeball has become too small.
                      This defect can be corrected by using a convex
                      lens of appropriate power. This is illustrated in
                      Fig. 10.3 (c). Eye-glasses with converging lenses
                      provide the additional focussing power required
                      for forming the image on the retina.

                 (c)   Presbyopia
                                                                        Figure 10.3
                                                                        Figure 10.310.3
                                                                        Figure 10.3
                      The power of accommodation of the eye usually
                                                                        (a), (b) The hypermetropic eye, and (c)
                      decreases with ageing. For most people, the near  correction for hypermetropia
                      point gradually recedes away. They find it difficult  N = Near point of a
                      to see nearby objects comfortably and distinctly        hypermetropic eye.
                      without corrective eye-glasses.   This defect is  N’ = Near point of a
                      called Presbyopia.  It arises due to the gradual        normal eye.

                 The Human Eye and the Colourful World                                                    163

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