Page 219 - NCERT Science Class 10 English Medium
P. 219

We have seen in the chapter on ‘Life Processes’ that the food we eat is
                                     digested by various enzymes in our body. Have you ever wondered why
                                     the same enzyme does not break-down everything we eat? Enzymes are
                                     specific in their action, specific enzymes are needed for the break-down
                                     of a particular substance. That is why we will not get any energy if we
                                     try to eat coal! Because of this, many human-made materials like plastics
                                     will not be broken down by the action of bacteria or other saprophytes.
                                     These materials will be acted upon by physical processes like heat and
                                     pressure, but under the ambient conditions found in our environment,
                                     these persist for a long time.
                                         Substances that are broken down by biological processes are said
                                     to be biodegradable. How many of the substances you buried were
                                     biodegradable? Substances that are not broken down in this manner
                                     are said to be non-biodegradable. These substances may be inert and
                                     simply persist in the environment for a long time or may harm the various
                                     members of the eco-system.

                                         Activity 13.6
                                         Activity 13.613.6
                                         Activity    13.6
                                         Activity 13.6
                                        n Use the library or internet to find out more about biodegradable
                                           and non-biodegradable substances.
                                        n How long are various non-biodegradable substances expected to
                                           last in our environment?
                                        n These days, new types of plastics which are said to be biodegradable
                                           are available. Find out more about such materials and whether
                                           they do or do not harm the environment.

                                   Q      U      E      S     T     I     O      N      S

                      Give any two ways in which non-biodegradable substances would affect ?
                 1.   Why are some substances biodegradable and some non-biodegradable?
                 2.   Give any two ways in which biodegradable substances would affect the
                      the environment.

                                         Visit any town or city, and we are sure to find heaps of garbage all over
                                     the place. Visit any place of tourist interest and we are sure to find the
                                     place littered with empty food wrappers. In the earlier classes we have
                                     talked about this problem of dealing with the garbage that we generate. Let
                                     us now look at the problem a bit more deeply.

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