Page 221 - NCERT Science Class 10 English Medium
P. 221

                                         Activity 13.913.9
                                         Activity 13.9
                                         Activity 13.9
                                        n Search the internet or library to find out what hazardous materials
                                           have to be dealt with while disposing of electronic items. How would
                                           these materials affect the environment?
                                        n Find out how plastics are recycled. Does the recycling process
                                           have any impact on the environment?

                                   Q      U      E      S     T     I     O      N      S

                 1.    What is ozone and how does it affect any ecosystem?
                 2.    How can you help in reducing the problem of waste disposal? Give          ?
                       any two methods.

                     What you have learnt

                  n    The various components of an ecosystem are interdependent.
                  n    The producers make the energy from sunlight available to the rest of the ecosystem.
                  n    There is a loss of energy as we go from one trophic level to the next, this limits the
                       number of trophic levels in a food-chain.

                  n    Human activities have an impact on the environment.
                  n    The use of chemicals like CFCs has endangered the ozone layer. Since the ozone
                       layer protects against the ultraviolet radiation from the Sun, this could damage
                       the environment.
                  n    The waste we generate may be biodegradable or non-biodegradable.
                  n    The disposal of the waste we generate is causing serious environmental problems.

                      E X E R C I S E S

                   1. Which of the following groups contain only biodegradable items?
                       (a)  Grass, flowers and leather
                       (b)  Grass, wood and plastic
                       (c)  Fruit-peels, cake and lime-juice
                       (d)  Cake, wood and grass
                   2. Which of the following constitute a food-chain?
                       (a)  Grass, wheat and mango

                       (b)  Grass, goat and human

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