Page 33 - NCERT Science Class 10 English Medium
P. 33

Do You Know?  Nettle is a herbaceous plant which grows in the wild. Its leaves have stinging hair,
                                        Nature provides neutralisation options

                    which cause painful stings when touched accidentally. This is due to the methanoic
                                           acid secreted by them. A traditional remedy is rubbing the
                                           area with the leaf of the dock plant, which often grows beside
                                           the nettle in the wild. Can you guess the nature of the dock
                                           plant? So next time you know what to look out for if you
                                           accidentally touch a nettle plant while trekking. Are you aware
                                           of any other effective traditional remedies for such stings?

              Table 2.3 Some naturally occurring acids

                Natural source        Acid                   Natural source            Acid

                Vinegar               Acetic acid            Sour milk (Curd)          Lactic acid
                Orange                Citric acid            Lemon                     Citric acid
                Tamarind              Tartaric acid          Ant sting                 Methanoic acid
                Tomato                Oxalic acid            Nettle sting              Methanoic acid

                                 Q      U      E      S     T      I    O       N      S

                 1.   You have two solutions, A and B. The pH of solution A is 6 and pH of
                      solution B is 8. Which solution has more hydrogen ion concentration?
                      Which of this is acidic and which one is basic?
                 2.   What effect does the concentration of H (aq) ions have on the nature of the
                      solution?                                                                 ?
                 3.   Do basic solutions also have H (aq) ions? If yes, then why are these basic?
                 4.   Under what soil condition do you think a farmer would treat the soil of his
                      fields with quick lime (calcium oxide) or slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) or
                      chalk (calcium carbonate)?

                                     2.4 MORE ABOUT SALMORE ABOUT SALTSTS
                                           MORE ABOUT SALTS
                                     2.4 MORE
                                     2.4 MORE ABOUT SALTSTS
                                     In the previous sections we have seen the formation of salts during
                                     various reactions. Let us understand more about their preparation,
                                     properties and uses.
                                     2.4.1 Family of Salts
                                         Activity 2.132.13
                                         Activity    2.13
                                         Activity 2.13
                                         Activity 2.13
                                        n Write the chemical formulae of the salts given below.
                                           Potassium sulphate, sodium sulphate, calcium sulphate,
                                           magnesium sulphate, copper sulphate, sodium chloride, sodium
                                           nitrate, sodium carbonate and ammonium chloride.

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