Page 6 - NCERT Science Class 10 English Medium
P. 6

“Facts are not science — as the dictionary is not literature.”
                                                                     Martin H. Fischer


                               Chemical Reactions

                               and Equations

                     onsider the following situations of daily life and think what happens
                 Cwhen –
                   n milk is left at room temperature during summers.
                   n an iron tawa/pan/nail is left exposed to humid atmosphere.
                   n grapes get fermented.
                   n food is cooked.
                   n food gets digested in our body.
                   n we respire.

                 In all the above situations, the nature and the identity of the initial
                 substance have somewhat changed. We have already learnt about physical
                 and chemical changes of matter in our previous classes. Whenever a chemical
                 change occurs, we can say that a chemical reaction has taken place.
                    You may perhaps be wondering as to what is actually meant by a
                 chemical reaction. How do we come to know that a chemical reaction
                 has taken place? Let us perform some activities to find the answer to
                 these questions.

                      Activity 1.11.1
                      Activity 1.1
                      Activity 1.1
                      CAUTION: This Activity needs
                      the teacher’s assistance. It
                      would be better if students
                      wear suitable eyeglasses.
                   n Clean a magnesium ribbon
                      about 3-4 cm long by rubbing
                      it with sandpaper.
                   n Hold it with a pair of tongs.
                      Burn it using a spirit lamp or
                      burner and collect the ash so
                      formed in a watch-glass as
                      shown in Fig. 1.1. Burn  the
                      magnesium ribbon keeping it
                      away as far as possible from
                      your eyes.                        Figure 1.1
                   n What do you observe?               Burning of a magnesium ribbon in air and collection of magnesium
                                                        oxide in a watch-glass

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