Page 112 - Understanding NCERT Science 09
P. 112

In the absence of this force, the stone flies off  9.1.1 UNIVERSAL LAW OF GRAVITATION
                 along a straight line. This straight line will be
                 a tangent to the circular path.                 Every object in the universe attracts every
                                                                 other object with a force which is proportional
                                                                 to the product of their masses and inversely
                               Tangent to a circle
                                                                 proportional to the square of the distance
                                                                 between them. The force is along the line
                                                                 joining the centres of two objects.
                   More to  know

                       A straight line that meets the circle at
                       one and only one point is called a
                                                                                   F =  G  Mm
                       tangent to the circle. Straight line                               d 2
                       ABC is a tangent to the circle at
                       point B.
                                                                 Fig. 9.2:  The gravitational force between two
                                                                           uniform objects is directed along the line
                    The motion of the moon around the earth                joining their centres.
                 is due to the centripetal force. The centripetal
                 force is provided by the force of attraction of     Let two objects A and B of masses M and
                 the earth. If there were no such force, the     m lie at a distance d from each other as shown
                 moon would pursue a uniform straight line       in Fig. 9.2. Let the force of attraction between
                 motion.                                         two objects be F. According to the universal
                    It is seen that a falling apple is attracted  law of gravitation, the force between two
                 towards the earth. Does the apple attract the   objects is directly proportional to the product
                 earth? If so, we do not see the earth moving    of their masses. That is,
                 towards an apple. Why?                              F µ M × m                            (9.1)
                    According to the third law of motion, the    And the force between two objects is inversely
                 apple does attract the earth. But according     proportional to the square of the distance
                 to the second law of motion, for a given force,  between them, that is,
                 acceleration is inversely proportional to the
                 mass of an object [Eq. (8.4)]. The mass of an            1
                 apple is negligibly small compared to that of       F  µ  2                              (9.2)
                 the earth. So, we do not see the earth moving
                 towards the apple. Extend the same argument     Combining Eqs. (10.1) and (10.2), we get
                 for why the earth does not move towards the
                 moon.                                                    M  ´m
                    In our solar system, all the planets go          F µ    d  2                          (9.3)
                 around the Sun. By arguing the same way,
                 we can say that there exists a force between               M × m
                 the Sun and the planets. From the above facts   or,   F =  G   2                         (9.4)
                 Newton concluded that not only does the
                 earth attract an apple and the moon, but all    where G is the constant of proportionality and
                 objects in the universe attract each other. This  is called the universal gravitation constant.
                 force of attraction between objects is called   By multiplying crosswise, Eq. (9.4) gives
                 the gravitational force.                             F × d   = G M × m

                 GRAVITATION                                                                           101

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