Page 114 - Understanding NCERT Science 09
P. 114

change in the velocity of falling objects? While  calculations, we can take g to be more or less
                 falling, there is no change in the direction of  constant on or near the earth. But for objects
                 motion of the objects. But due to the earth’s   far from the earth, the acceleration due to
                 attraction, there will be a change in the       gravitational force of earth is given by
                 magnitude of the velocity. Any change in        Eq. (9.7).
                 velocity involves acceleration. Whenever an
                 object falls towards the earth, an acceleration  9.2.1 TO CALCULATE THE VALUE OF g
                 is involved. This acceleration is due to the
                 earth’s gravitational force. Therefore, this    To calculate the value of g, we should put   the
                 acceleration is called the acceleration due to  values of G, M   and R  in Eq. (9.9), namely,
                 the gravitational force of the earth (or        universal gravitational constant,  G = 6.7 × 10 –
                 acceleration due to gravity). It is denoted by  11  N m  kg , mass of the earth, M = 6 × 10  kg,
                 g. The unit of g   is the same as that of       and radius of the earth,  R = 6.4 × 10  m.
                 acceleration, that is, m s .
                    We know from the second law of motion          g =  G  2
                 that force is the product of mass and                    R
                 acceleration. Let the mass of the stone in                    -11   2   -2      24
                                                                       6.7 10    N m kg    ´ 6 10  kg
                 activity 9.2 be m. We already know that there       =
                                                                                (6.4 10 m)  2
                 is acceleration involved in falling objects due
                 to the gravitational force and is denoted by g.        = 9.8 m s .
                 Therefore the magnitude of the gravitational
                 force F will be equal to the product of mass    Thus, the value of acceleration due to gravity
                                                                 of the earth, g = 9.8 m s .
                 and acceleration due to the gravitational
                 force, that is,
                    F = m g                              (9.6)   9.2.2 MOTION       OF  OBJECTS   UNDER   THE
                 From Eqs. (9.4) and (9.6) we have                       INFLUENCE     OF   GRAVITATIONAL
                                   M  ´m                                 FORCE OF THE EARTH
                          m g  = G     2
                                     d                           Let us do an activity to understand whether
                                                                 all objects hollow or solid, big or small, will
                               M                                 fall from a height at the same rate.
                    or  g =  G  2                        (9.7)
                                                                    Activity ______________ 9.3
                 where M is the mass of the earth, and d is the
                 distance between the object and the earth.
                                                                    •    Take a sheet of paper and a stone.
                    Let an object be on or near the surface of
                                                                         Drop them simultaneously from the
                 the earth. The distance d in Eq. (9.7) will be          first floor of a building. Observe
                 equal to R, the radius of the earth. Thus, for          whether both of them reach the
                 objects on or near the surface of the earth,            ground simultaneously.
                                                                    •    We see that paper reaches the ground
                            M × m
                    mg =  G     2                        (9.8)           little later than the stone. This happens
                              R                                          because of air resistance. The air offers
                                                                         resistance due to friction to the motion
                            M                                            of the falling objects. The resistance
                        g =  G  2                        (9.9)
                            R                                            offered by air to the paper is more than
                                                                         the resistance offered to the stone. If
                    The earth is not a perfect sphere. As the            we do the experiment in a glass jar
                 radius of the earth increases from the poles to         from which air has been sucked out,
                 the equator, the value of g becomes greater at          the paper and the stone would fall at
                 the poles than at the equator. For most                 the same rate.

                 GRAVITATION                                                                           103

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