Page 147 - Understanding NCERT Science 09
P. 147
squeaks of the bat and know when a bat in construction of big structures like
is flying nearby, and are able to escape buildings, bridges, machines and also
capture. Rats also play games by scientific equipment. The cracks or
producing ultrasound. holes inside the metal blocks, which
are invisible from outside reduces the
strength of the structure. Ultrasonic
Hearing Aid: People with hearing loss may waves are allowed to pass through the
need a hearing aid. A hearing aid is an metal block and detectors are used to
electronic, battery operated device. The detect the transmitted waves. If there
hearing aid receives sound through a is even a small defect, the ultrasound
microphone. The microphone converts the gets reflected back indicating the
sound waves to electrical signals. These presence of the flaw or defect, as shown
electrical signals are amplified by an in Fig. 11.14.
amplifier. The amplified electrical signals
are given to a speaker of the hearing aid.
The speaker converts the amplified
electrical signal to sound and sends to the
ear for clear hearing.
Q uestions
1. What is the audible range of the
average human ear?
2. What is the range of frequencies
associated with Fig 11.14: Ultrasound is reflected back from the
defective locations inside a metal block.
(a) Infrasound?
(b) Ultrasound? Ordinary sound of longer wavelengths
cannot be used for such purpose as it will
11.5 Applications of Ultrasound bend around the corners of the defective
location and enter the detector.
Ultrasounds are high frequency waves. • Ultrasonic waves are made to reflect
Ultrasounds are able to travel along well- from various parts of the heart and
defined paths even in the presence of
form the image of the heart. This tech-
obstacles. Ultrasounds are used extensively
nique is called ‘echocardiography’.
in industries and for medical purposes.
• Ultrasound scanner is an instrument
• Ultrasound is generally used to clean which uses ultrasonic waves for
parts located in hard-to-reach places, getting images of internal organs of the
for example, spiral tube, odd shaped
human body. A doctor may image the
parts, electronic components, etc.
Objects to be cleaned are placed in a patient’s organs, such as the liver, gall
cleaning solution and ultrasonic waves bladder, uterus, kidney, etc. It helps
the doctor to detect abnormalities,
are sent into the solution. Due to
the high frequency, the particles of such as stones in the gall bladder and
kidney or tumours in different organs.
dust, grease and dirt get detached and
drop out. The objects thus get In this technique the ultrasonic waves
thoroughly cleaned. travel through the tissues of the body
• Ultrasounds can be used to detect and get reflected from a region where
cracks and flaws in metal blocks. there is a change of tissue density.
Metallic components are generally used
Rationalised 2023-24