Page 131 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 131
(ii) It took years of struggle to make cigarette manufacturing companies accept that their
product could cause cancer.
Hence, to ensure protection for consumers, there is a need for rules and regulations.
Goyal Brothers Prakashan
1. What are the various ways by which people may be exploited in the market?
Ans. There are numerous various ways by which people may be exploited in the market: Few
of them are:
(i) Consumers get cheated when shopkeepers use incorrect weights and measures, put
extra charges in the bill, adulterate the foodstuff that they intend to sell, sell defective
goods, or sell goods that have expired.
(ii) Sellers sometimes pass false information about their product to consumers through
(iii) Sometimes consumers are not provided with satisfactory after sale service. The seller
tries to escape by shifting all the responsibility on to the buyer.
2. Think of one example from your experience where you thought that there was some
‘cheating’ in the market. Discuss in the classroom.
Ans. Few days back, I bought a packet of wheat bread from the market. After paying for it, I
checked its expiry date. That packet got expired 1 day back but when I asked shopkeeper
to replace it, he said it is perfectly fine and you can use it, but when I refused to accept
it, he exchanged. I felt cheated, that without checking products, sellers are selling expiry
products in the market. If I had not checked the expiry date, I would have consumed it.
3. What do you think should be the role of government to protect consumers?
Ans. To ensure protection for consumers, there is a need for rules and regulations. Government
should also ensure that these rules and regulations are properly followed.
conSuMEr MoVEMEnt
Due to the indulgence of sellers in unfair practices, consumers were dissatisfied and
disappointed, this gives rise to the Consumer movement
Initially, consumers had limited legal protection against exploitation in the marketplace, leading
them to rely on personal measures such as avoiding certain brands or shops if dissatisfied.
Over time, organizations in India and worldwide worked diligently to raise awareness and
shift the responsibility of ensuring the quality of goods and services onto the sellers.
Because of the need to protect and promote the interests of consumers against unethical
and unfair trade practices, the consumer movement as a ‘social force’ originated in India.
In 1960s, rampant food shortages, hoarding, black marketing, adulteration of food and
edible oil gave birth to the consumer movement in an organised form.
During the 1970s, consumer organizations primarily focused on writing articles, organizing
exhibitions, and forming consumer groups to address malpractices in ration shops and
overcrowding in road passenger transport. More recently, India has witnessed a significant
increase in the number of consumer groups.
Through persistent efforts, the consumer movement successfully exerted pressure on both
business firms and the government to rectify unfair business practices that disadvantaged
E-114 Economics Class X