Page 144 - NCERT Science Class 10 English Medium
P. 144

(ii) A ray passing through the
                      principal focus of a concave
                      mirror or  a ray which is
                      directed    towards     the
                      principal focus of a convex
                      mirror, after reflection, will
                      emerge parallel to the
                      principal axis. This is
                      illustrated in Fig.9.4 (a)
                      and (b).                                 (a)                           (b)

                                                                             Figure 9.4
                                                                             Figure 9.49.4
                                                                             Figure 9.4
                 (iii) A ray passing through the                             Figure  9.4
                      centre of curvature    of a
                      concave mirror or directed
                      in the direction of the centre
                      of curvature of a convex
                      mirror, after reflection, is
                      reflected back along the
                      same    path.      This   is
                      illustrated in Fig.9.5 (a) and
                      (b). The light rays come back
                                                               (a)                           (b)
                      along    the  same     path
                                                                            Figure 9.59.5
                                                                            Figure 9.5
                                                                            Figure 9.5
                      because the incident rays
                      fall on the mirror along the
                      normal to the reflecting
                 (iv) A ray incident obliquely to
                      the principal axis, towards
                      a point P (pole of the mirror),
                      on the concave mirror
                      [Fig. 9.6 (a)] or a convex
                      mirror [Fig. 9.6 (b)], is
                      reflected obliquely. The
                      incident and reflected rays
                      follow the laws of reflection
                                                               (a)                           (b)
                      at the point of incidence
                      (point P), making equal                                Figure 9.69.6
                                                                             Figure 9.6
                                                                             Figure 9.6
                      angles with the principal axis.
                    Remember that in all the above cases the laws of reflection are followed.
                 At the point of incidence, the incident ray is reflected in such a way that
                 the angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence.
                 (a)  Image formation by Concave Mirror
                      Figure 9.7 illustrates the ray diagrams for the formation of image
                      by a concave mirror for various positions of the object.

                 Light – Reflection and Refraction                                                        139

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