Page 146 - NCERT Science Class 10 English Medium
P. 146

Activity 9.59.5
                      Activity 9.5
                      Activity 9.5
                   n Take a convex mirror.  Hold it in one hand.
                   n Hold a pencil in the upright position in the other hand.
                   n Observe the image of the pencil in the mirror. Is the image erect or
                      inverted?  Is it diminished or enlarged?
                   n Move the pencil away from the mirror slowly. Does the image
                      become smaller or larger?
                   n Repeat this Activity carefully.  State whether the image will move
                      closer to or farther away from the focus as the object is moved
                      away from the mirror?

                    We consider two positions of the object for studying the image formed
                 by a convex mirror.  First is when the object is at infinity and the second
                 position is when the object is at a finite distance from the mirror. The ray
                 diagrams for the formation of image by a convex mirror for these two
                 positions of the object are shown in Fig.9.8 (a) and (b), respectively.  The
                 results are summarised in Table 9.2.

                                         Figure 9.8 Formation of image by a convex mirror
                                         Figure 9.8
                                         Figure 9.8
                                         Figure 9.8
                                         Figure 9.8
                 Table 9.2 Nature, position and relative size of the image formed by a convex mirror
                   Position of the       Position of the           Size of the            Nature of the
                        object                image                  image                    image
                   At infinity          At the focus F,        Highly diminished,      Virtual and erect
                                        behind the mirror      point-sized

                   Between infinity     Between P and F,       Diminished              Virtual and erect
                   and the pole P of    behind the mirror
                   the mirror
                    You have so far studied the image formation by a plane mirror, a
                 concave mirror and a convex mirror.  Which of these mirrors will give the
                 full image of a large object? Let us explore through an Activity.
                      Activity 9.6
                      Activity 9.69.6
                      Activity 9.6
                   n Observe the image of a distant object, say a distant tree, in a
                      plane mirror.
                   n Could you see a full-length image?

                 Light – Reflection and Refraction                                                        141

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