Page 192 - NCERT Science Class 10 English Medium
P. 192

The current  I , through R    = V/ R
                                  2           2          2
                                 I = 12 V/10 Ω = 1.2 A.
                    The current  I , through R    = V/R
                                  3           3          3
                                 I = 12 V/30 Ω = 0.4 A.
                    The total current in the circuit,
                                 I =  I  + I  + I
                                       1   2   3
                                    = (2.4 + 1.2 + 0.4) A
                                    = 4 A
                    The total resistance R , is given by [Eq. (11.18)]
                     1   1   1    1   1
                        =  +   +    =
                     R  p  5 10  30   3
                    Thus, R  = 3 Ω.
                    Example 11.9
                    If in Fig. 11.12, R  = 10 Ω, R  = 40 Ω, R  = 30 Ω, R  = 20 Ω, R  = 60 Ω,
                                     1          2         3          4         5
                    and a 12 V battery is connected to the arrangement. Calculate
                    (a) the total resistance in the circuit, and (b) the total current flowing
                    in the circuit.

                    Suppose we replace the parallel resistors R  and R  by an
                                                               1      2
                    equivalent resistor of resistance, R′. Similarly we replace
                    the parallel resistors R , R  and R  by an equivalent single
                                           3  4      5
                    resistor of resistance R″. Then using Eq. (11.18), we have
                    1/ R′ = 1/10 + 1/40    = 5/40; that is R′  = 8 Ω.
                    Similarly,     1/ R″   = 1/30 + 1/20 + 1/60 = 6/60;
                                 that is, R″  = 10 Ω.
                    Thus, the total resistance, R = R′ + R″ = 18 Ω.
                    To calculate the current, we use Ohm’s law, and get
                     I = V/R = 12 V/18 Ω = 0.67 A.

                    We have seen that in a series circuit the current is constant
                 throughout the electric circuit. Thus it is obviously impracticable to  Figure 11.12
                                                                                         Figure 11.1211.12
                                                                                         Figure 11.12
                 connect an electric bulb and an electric heater in series, because they An electric circuit showing
                 need currents of widely different values to operate properly (see Example  the combination of series
                 11.3). Another major disadvantage of a series circuit is that when one  and parallel resistors
                 component fails the circuit is broken and none of the components works.
                 If you have used ‘fairy lights’ to decorate buildings on festivals, on
                 marriage celebrations etc., you might have seen the electrician spending
                 lot of time in trouble-locating and replacing the ‘dead’ bulb – each has
                 to be tested to find which has fused or gone. On the other hand, a parallel
                 circuit divides the current through the electrical gadgets. The total
                 resistance in a parallel circuit is decreased as per Eq. (11.18). This is
                 helpful particularly when each gadget has different resistance and
                 requires different current to operate properly.

                 Electricity                                                                              187

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