Page 160 - Understanding NCERT Science 09
P. 160

(ii) dwarf broiler parent for commercial     The ration (daily food requirement) for broilers
                      chick production;                        is protein rich with adequate fat. The level of
                 (iii) summer adaptation capacity/             vitamins A and K is kept high in the poultry
                      tolerance to high temperature;           feeds.
                 (iv) low maintenance requirements;               Poultry fowl suffer from a number of
                  (v) reduction in the size of the egg-laying  diseases caused by virus, bacteria, fungi,
                      bird with ability to utilise more        parasites, as well as from nutritional
                      fibrous cheaper diets formulated         deficiencies. These necessitate proper
                      using agricultural by-products.          cleaning, sanitation, and spraying of
                                                               disinfectants at regular intervals. Appropriate
                                                               vaccination can prevent the occurrence of
                                                               infectious diseases and reduce loss of poultry
                                                               during an outbreak of disease.
                                Fig. 12.4 Q                           1. What management practices are

                                                                          common in dairy and poultry

                   Aseel                 Leghorn                      2. What are the differences between
                                                                          broilers and layers and in their

             Q     uestion                                       Activity _____________12.4
                     1. Discuss the implications of the
                                                                      Visit a local poultry farm. Observe
                         following statement:
                                                                      types of breeds and note the type of
                         “It is interesting to note that
                                                                      ration, housing and lighting facilities
                         poultry is India’s most efficient
                                                                      given to them. Identify the growers,
                         converter of low fibre food stuff
                         (which is unfit for human
                         consumption)      into   highly              layers and broilers.
                         nutritious animal protein food.”
                                                               12.2.3 FISH PRODUCTION
              EGG AND BROILER PRODUCTION                       Fish is a cheap source of animal protein for
                                                               our food. Fish production includes the finned
              Broiler chickens are fed with vitamin-rich       true fish as well as shellfish such as prawns
              supplementary feed for good growth rate and      and molluscs. There are two ways of obtaining
              better feed efficiency. Care is taken to avoid   fish. One is from natural resources, which is
              mortality and to maintain feathering and         called capture fishing. The other way is by
              carcass quality. They are produced as broilers   fish farming, which is called culture fishery.
              and sent to market for meat purposes.               The water source of the fish can be either
                 For good production of poultry birds, good    seawater or fresh water, such as in rivers and
              management practices are important. These        ponds. Fishing can thus be done both by
              include maintenance of temperature and           capture and culture of fish in marine and
              hygienic conditions in housing and poultry       freshwater ecosystems.
              feed, as well as prevention and control of
              diseases and pests.                              12.2.3 (i) MARINE FISHERIES
                 The     housing,      nutritional     and
              environmental requirements of broilers are       India’s marine fishery resources include
              somewhat different from those of egg layers.     7500 km of coastline and the deep seas

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