Page 162 - Understanding NCERT Science 09
P. 162

Q   uestions

                     1. How are fish obtained?
                     2. What are the advantages of
                         composite fish culture?

                Activity _____________12.5

                                                                            (a)                   (b)
                •    Visit a fish farm in fish breeding
                     season and note the following:
                     (1) Varieties of fish in fish farm        Fig. 12.7: (a) Arrangement of beehive in an apiary
                     (2) Types of ponds                                  (b) honey extractor
                     (3) Feed ingredients used
                     (4) Production capacity of the farm       This is the variety commonly used for
                     If there are no fish farms close to your  commercial honey production.
                     locality, gather the above information from  The Italian bees have high honey collection
                     Internet, by referring books or talking to  capacity. They sting somewhat less. They stay
                     people who are engaged in fishery.
                                                               in a given beehive for long periods, and breed
                                                               very well. For commercial honey production,
              12.2.4 BEE-KEEPING
                                                               bee farms or apiaries are established.
              Honey is widely used and therefore bee-             The value or quality of honey depends
              keeping for making honey has become an           upon the pasturage, or the flowers available
              agricultural enterprise. Since bee-keeping       to the bees for nectar and pollen collection.
              needs low investments, farmers use it as an      In addition to adequate quantity of pasturage,
              additional income generating activity. In        the kind of flowers available will determine
              addition to honey, the beehives are a source     the taste of the honey.
              of wax which is used in various medicinal
              preparations.                                         uestions
                 The local varieties of bees used for
              commercial honey production are Apis cerana             1. What      are   the    desirable
              indica, commonly known as the Indian bee,       Q           characters of bee varieties
              A. dorsata, the rock bee and A. florae, the little          suitable for honey production?
              bee. An Italian bee variety, A. mellifera, has          2. What is pasturage and how is it
              also been brought in to increase yield of honey.            related to honey production?


                                    you have


                                    •     There are several nutrients essential for crops. Of these,
                                          some are required in large quantities and are known as
                                          macro-nutrients whereas rest of the nutrients are required
                                          in small quantities and are known as micro-nutrients.
                                    •     Manure and fertilizers are the main sources of nutrient
                                          supply to crops.
                                    •     Organic farming is a farming system with minimal or no use
                                          of chemicals as fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides etc. and

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