Page 32 - Understanding NCERT Science 09
P. 32

Table 2.2: Mixtures and Compounds

                                     Mixtures                                    Compounds

                    1. Elements or compounds just mix            1.   Elements react to form new compounds.
                        together to form a mixture and no
                        new compound is formed.
                    2. A mixture has a variable composition.     2.   The composition of each new substance
                                                                      is always fixed.
                    3, A mixture shows the properties of the     3.   The new substance has totally different
                        constituent substances.                       properties.

                    4. The constituents can be seperated         4.   The constituents can be separated only
                        fairly easily by physical methods.            by chemical or electrochemical

                  •    The material obtained by group II is a      •   The composition of a compound is the
                       compound.                                       same throughout. We can also observe
                  •    On heating the two elements strongly we         that the texture and the colour of the
                       get a compound, which has totally               compound are the same throughout.
                       different properties compared to the            Thus, we can summarise the physical
                       combining elements.                             and chemical nature of matter in the
                                                                       following graphical organiser:


                                        you have


                                        •     A mixture contains more than one substance (element and/
                                              or compound) mixed in any proportion.

                 IS MATTER AROUND US PURE?                                                               21

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