Page 102 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 102

  This example illustrates the impact of foreign trade on the Indian toy market, where Chinese
                            toys outperform their Indian counterparts, providing expanded business opportunities for
                            Chinese manufacturers but causing losses for Indian toy makers.

               Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                                                    LET’S  WORK  THESE  OUT                        (Page No. 61)

                          1.  What was the main channel connecting countries in the past? How is it different now?
                        Ans.  The main channel connecting countries was foreign trade in the past. In the past, extensive
                            trade took place along the routes connecting India and South Asia to markets both in the
                            East and West.  Trade is still the main channel connecting  countries. However, besides
                            trade, technology, capital, tourism is also playing major role in connecting countries now.

                          2.  Distinguish between foreign trade and foreign investment.
                        Ans.  Trade with other countries is called as foreign trade. It involves movement (import and
                            export)  of  goods and  services  whereas  Foreign  investment  means  movement  of capital
                            from one country to another.
                             The objective of the foreign trade is to earn profit and excel global market whereas the
                            objective of foreign investment is to generate returns in long term.

                          3.  In recent  years  China  has been  importing  steel  from  India.  Explain  how the  import  of
                             steel by China will affect.
                             (i)  steel companies in China.   (ii)  steel companies in India.
                            (iii)  industries buying steel for production of other industrial goods in China.
                       Ans.  (i)  Supply of steel in China will improve but Chinese steel market will face stiff
                                competition from Indian steel market.
                            (ii)  Steel Companies will be benefited as demand for Indian steel has increased. Indian
                                steel market will expand.
                            (iii)  Other industrial  goods producing  companies  will  get  more  choices. They  will  avail
                                better option.

                          4.  How will the import of steel from India into the Chinese markets lead to integration of
                             markets for steel in the two countries? Explain
                        Ans.  Integration of markets for steel in the two countries will take place in following ways:
                             (i)  Due to imports from India Chinese market will get more choice.
                            (ii)  Chinese will make goods with the help of the steel imported from India and export
                                it to the other countries. These goods can be imported by India as well, in that case
                                India will  become the exporter of the raw material  (steel)  and the importer  of the
                                finished good.
                            (iii)  Producers of steel in both the countries will compete with each other to capture the
                                maximum share in the market. As a result, prices of steel in both the countries tend
                                to be equal in the long run.

                       WHAt Is GLoBALIsAtIon?
                            MNC’s are looking for the locations that are cheap for the production around the world
                            from the last two three decades.

             E-88                                                                                       Economics  Class X
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