Page 103 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 103

  Foreign investment by MNCs in these countries is increasing over the years. Foreign trade
                            between the countries is also increasing. A large part of the foreign trade is also controlled
                            by MNCs.
                            For Example: Ford Motors set up
               Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                            a  car manufacturing  plant  in  India.
                            Besides producing cars for the Indian                          BE CArEFULL THAT'S
                            markets, it also exports cars to other                          OUr WOrLD yOU'rE
                            developing countries and other car                                PLAyING WITH!
                            components are also exported for its                             SOMEDAy yOU'LL
                            many factories around the world.                                 HAvE TO PAy THE
                            Likewise,  activities  of most MNCs   GLOBALISATION
                            involve substantial trade in goods and   IS FUN!
                            also services.
                            Due to increased foreign trade and
                            investment, there has been a greater
                            integration of production and markets
                            across countries.
                            Globalisation is this process of
                            rapid integration or interconnection between countries.          (Courtesy: NCERT)
                            Mobility of investment, goods and services, and technology has increased between countries.
                            This has helped in bringing all the regions of world closer with each other than a few
                            decades back.
                            Movement of people between countries is also a way through which the countries can
                            be connected.  Movement  of people  from one country  to another  usually  takes  place  in
                            search of better income, better jobs or better education.
                            However, due to various restrictions, there has not been much increase in the movement
                            of people between countries in the past few decades.

                                                    LET’S  WORK  THESE  OUT                        (Page No. 62)

                          1.  What is the role of MNCs in the globalisation process?
                        Ans.  Globalisation is the process of rapid integration or interconnection between countries.
                              An important role is played by MNCs in the process of globalisation.
                             (i)  A large  part  of the  foreign  trade  is also  controlled  by MNCs. For Example:  Ford
                                Motors set up a car manufacturing plant in India. Besides producing cars for the Indian
                                markets, it also exports cars to other developing countries and other car components
                                are also exported for its many factories around the world.
                            (ii)    Activities of most MNCs involve substantial trade in goods and also services.
                            (iii)  Due to  increased  foreign  trade  and  investment,  there  has been  a  greater  integration
                                of production and markets across countries.
                            (iv)  Mobility  of investment,  goods and  services,  and  technology  has increased  between
                                countries.  This has helped in bringing all the regions of world closer with each other
                                than a few decades back.
                            (v)  Movement  of people  between  countries  in  search  of  better  income,  better  jobs  or
                                better education is also a way through which the countries can be connected.

            Economics  Class X                                                                                    E-89
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