Page 106 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 106

  During the early stages of development, all developed countries have given protection to
                            domestic producers through a variety of means.
                       Around 1991, many important and big changes were done in policies in India.
                            The  government  decided  that  Indian  producers should start  competing  with producers
               Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                            around the globe because  competition  would help in improving the performance  of the
                            domestic producers (producers within the country) since they would have to improve their
                            quality to survive competition.
                            Many powerful international organisations supported this decision. Thus, to a large extent,
                            barriers on foreign trade and foreign investment were removed.
                            This meant that goods could be imported and exported easily and also foreign companies
                            could set up factories and offices here.
                            Removing barriers or restrictions set by the government is known as liberalisation.
                            Comparatively  less restrictions were imposed by government which allowed businesses
                            to make decisions freely about what they wish to import or export. Government becomes
                            more liberal.

                                                    LET’S  WORK  THESE  OUT                        (Page No. 64)
                          1.  What do you understand by liberalisation of foreign trade?
                        Ans.  Liberalisation of foreign trade means removing or reducing barriers or restrictions on trade.
                            This meant that goods could be imported and exported easily and also foreign companies
                            could set up factories and offices here.

                          2.  Tax on imports is one type of trade barrier. The government could also place a limit on
                             the number of goods that  can be imported. This is known as quotas. Can you explain,
                             using the  example  of Chinese  toys, how quotas  can  be  used as trade  barriers?  Do you
                             think this should be used? Discuss.
                        Ans.  Quota  is  also  a  type  of  trade  barrier. It  limits  the  number  of  goods that  a  country  can
                            import or export during a particular period.
                             If quota is imposed on Chinese toys, it will restrict the number of toys that can be imported.
                            Indians  cannot  import  as many  toys as they  want.  Limiting  the  entry  of Chinese  toys
                            helps the Indian toys maker as demand of their toys will still be there in the market.

                             It should be used as a trade barrier because:
                             (i)  It will protect the Indian manufacturers. They will try to match with the quality and
                                price that China is providing because Chinese toys are there in the market(quotas
                                have restricted the quantity, not banned it)
                            (ii)  One more indirect benefit of imposing Quotas is, employment will not be affected much.
                                If manufacturers get the demand, they will employ more labour to make the toys.

                         WorLd trAde orGAnIsAtIon
                            Influential international organisations advocates for unrestricted trade between nations and
                            promote the idea that all countries should adopt liberal policies.

                            World Trade Organisation (WTO) is an organisation whose aim is to liberalise international
                            trade.  It was started  by some of the developed  countries  of the world. Currently, about
                            160 countries of the world are the members of the WTO.
                            WTO establishes rules regarding international trade, and sees that these rules are obeyed.

             E-92                                                                                       Economics  Class X
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