Page 110 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 110

Example-Small producers: Compete or perish

                       Globalisation has posed major challenges for a large number of small producers and workers.
                       Rising Competition
                       ravi, an industrialist who ventured into the capacitor production business in 1992 faced a crisis
               Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                       in a short period of his life
                            ravi took a loan from the bank to start his own company producing capacitors in Hosur,
                            an industrial town in Tamil Nadu.
                            Capacitors are used in many electronic home appliances including tube lights, television
                            He was able to expand production within three years, and had 20 workers working under him.
                             However, his challenges began when the government lifted restrictions on capacitor imports
                            in accordance with its WTO agreement in 2001.
                            The emergence  of multinational  brands and their  competitive  pricing  compelled  Indian
                            television  companies,  ravi's primary clients, to shift towards assembling activities  and
                            import capacitors at significantly lower prices.
                            Consequently,  ravi's  production  dwindled,  his  workforce  decreased  to  seven,  and  he
                            witnessed the closure of many similar businesses in Hyderabad and Chennai.
                            This scenario has been replicated across various industries such as batteries, plastics, toys,
                            tyres, dairy  products, and vegetable  oil,  where small-scale  manufacturers  have  suffered
                            due to intense competition.
                            These closures have resulted in significant job losses, impacting the substantial workforce
                            employed by small industries in India, second only to agriculture, amounting to
                            approximately 20 million workers.

                                                    LET’S  WORK  THESE  OUT                        (Page No. 68)
                          1.  What are the ways in which ravi’s small production unit was affected by rising competition?
                        Ans.  ravi’s small production unit was affected by rising competition in following ways:
                             (i)   ravi’s main  client  was television  companies. They  have  started  manufacturing Tvs
                                for MNCs. Now they don’t require capacitors produced by ravi.
                            (ii)  Due to decreased demand, ravi has reduced his production. His capacitors are costlier
                                than the imported ones. Television companies prefer to import rather than buying from
                                domestic market.
                            (iii)  With such a small amount of production, it is getting difficulty for ravi to even cover
                                the cost. He is facing losses and may be forced to shut down just like his friends did.

                          2.  Should producers such as ravi stop production because their cost of production is higher
                             compared to producers in other countries? What do you think?
                        Ans.  If he can produce only at lower cost, by using improved technology and able to survive
                            competition, then only he should continue production otherwise he should not.

                          3.  recent studies point out that small producers in India need three things to compete better
                             in the market  (a) better  roads, power, water, raw materials,  marketing  and information
                             network (b) improvements and modernisation  of technology (c) timely  availability  of
                             credit at reasonable interest rates.

             E-96                                                                                       Economics  Class X
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