Page 111 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 111

(i)  Can you explain how these three things would help Indian producers?
                            (ii)  Do you think MNCs will be interested in investing in these? Why?
                            (iii)  Do you think the government has a role in making these facilities available? Why?
                            (iv)  Can you think of any other step that the government could take? Discuss.
                         Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                        Ans.  (i)  These three things would definitely help Indian producers.
                                 (a)    Better infrastructure will help the producers to complete their production on time
                                    and make delivery on time
                                 (b)  Improvement and modernization of  Technology will enable the producers to
                                    produce products of better quality and at a reasonable rate.
                                 (c)  Timely availability of credit at reasonable interest rates will help them in running
                                    their production smoothly.
                                   All these things will enable producers to compete in the world market.
                            (ii)  MNCs will not be interested in investing in these because Indian producers will start
                                competing with them in the market and can capture their market share.
                            (iii)  yes, the government has an important role in making these facilities available.
                                   It  is the  social  responsibility  of the  government  to provide  basic  infrastructure  and
                                credit  at low interest  rate.  Government  should also keep a check  on the  corruption
                                in offices.
                            (iv)  Government  should  keep  a  check  that  entrepreneurs  are  not  being  harassed.  It  can
                                use trade barriers to protect domestic producers from competition. It can also support
                                producers by giving them some kind of tax exemptions.

                       competition and uncertain employment
                            Lives  of  workers have  substantially  changed  due  to  Globalisation  and  the  pressure  of
                            Workers’ jobs are no longer secure, because of the growing competition, these days most
                            employers prefer to employ workers ‘flexibly’.
                       Let  us take  the  example  of garment  export  industry  in  India  to  see  how the  workers have  to
                       bear this pressure of competition.
                            In Europe and America, large MNCs in the garment  industry order their  products from
                            Indian exporters. In order to maximise their profits, these large MNCs look for the cheapest
                            goods available with their worldwide network.
                            Indian garment exporters try hard to cut their own costs so that they can get big orders
                            from MNCs.
                            In order to do so exporters try to cut labour costs because cost of raw materials cannot
                            be reduced.
                            To cut down costs, labour is employed on temporary basis so that employers do not have
                            to pay workers for the whole year whereas earlier, they used to employ workers on a
                            permanent basis.
                            During the peak season, workers also have to work for long and work night shifts on a
                            regular basis. Their working hours have increased but their wages are low. Workers are
                            forced to work overtime to make both ends meet.
                            MNCs has started making huge profits due to the increased competition among the
                            garment exporters, but workers are denied their fair share of benefits brought about
                            by globalisation.

            Economics  Class X                                                                                    E-97
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