Page 72 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 72

 The  funds obtained  by Krishak Cooperative  are  utilized  to offer loans to its members,
                            facilitating subsequent lending cycles upon loan repayment.
                           The cooperative provides loans for diverse purposes such as agricultural equipment
                            purchases, cultivation and agricultural trade, fishery ventures, construction of houses, and
               Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                            other miscellaneous expenses.

                                                    Let‘s  work  sheet  out                        (Page No. 47)
                         1. List the various sources of credit in Sonpur.
                         Ans. Various sources of credit in Sonpur are:
                             (i)  Village money lenders
                            (ii)  Agricultural traders
                            (iii)  Banks
                            (iv)  Land owner employers who provide loan to landless people
                            (v)  Krishak Cooperative Society

                          2. Underline the various uses of credit in Sonpur in the above passages.
                       Ans. In Sonpur, Credit is needed for the following reasons:
                             (i)  Shyamal and Arun needs loan for buying farm inputs that helps in cultivating their land.
                            (ii)  To meet daily expenses and expenses on sudden illness and family functions, Rama
                                needs credit.

                          3. Compare the terms of credit for the small farmer, the medium  farmer and the landless
                            agricultural worker in Sonpur.
                         Ans. Interest rate, collateral and documentation requirement, and the mode of repayment together
                            comprise the terms of credit.
                                                            Terms of credit
                                  Small farmers             Medium farmers            Landless farmers
                            High rate of interest is   They usually take          Along with the interest
                            charged by traders and     loan from banks and        rate charged, they have to
                            moneylenders.              cooperatives, who charge   work for the moneylender.
                                                       very low rate of interest.
                            They have to promise the  Loan can be repaid          They have to work for the
                            traders  that  they  are  going  anytime in the next three   landowner to repay the
                            to sell their harvest to them  years.                 loan. They are ill treated
                            at low prices so that traders                         by landowner but still
                            can  sell it  at  higher  prices                      keeps on working as there
                            later on.  This is done to                            is no other source of credit
                            ensure that borrower repays                           for them.
                            loan promptly.

                          4. Why will Arun have a higher income from cultivation compared to Shyamal?
                         Ans. Reasons of Arun having a higher income from cultivation compared to Shyamal are:
                             (i)  Arun is big landowner (owns 7 acres) as compared to Shyamal (owns 1.5 acres).
                            (ii)  Arun gets a loan at a  comparatively  low rate of interest than Shyamal. Arun  gets it for
                                8.5% per annum from banks whereas Shyamal gets it for  60% per  annum  from  village
                                moneylender and after few years started getting at 36% per annum from agricultural trader.

            Economics  Class X                                                                                    E-63
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