Page 74 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 74

forMaL sector credit in india
                       There  are  various sources  from  which  people  can  obtain  loans. Various  types  of  loans  can  be
                       grouped as formal sector loans and informal sector loans.
               Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                       Formal sector loans- It includes the loans from the Banks and the Cooperatives.
                       Informal sector loans- It includes the loans from money lenders, traders, employers, relatives
                       and friends etc.
                       The graph shows the various sources of credit to rural households in India.
                           The functioning of formal sources        Sources of Credit per `1000 of
                            of loans is supervised by the          Rural Households in India in 2012
                            Reserve Bank of India.                                            Other Institutional
                           For example, out of the deposits   Government 1%                    Agencies 5%
                            received by banks, a minimum                                        Cooperative
                            cash balance is maintained. It is   Money                        Society/Banks 25%
                            monitored by RBI whether banks    Lender 33%
                            are maintaining it or not.
                           RBI also makes  sure that  banks                                      Commercial
                            are giving loans not only to profit-                                  Banks 25%
                            making businesses and traders       Relatives and
                            but  also  to  small  cultivators,   Friends 8%  Other non Institutional   Landlords 1%
                            small  scale  industries,  to  small              Agencies 2%
                            borrowers etc                                                    (Courtesy: NCERT)
                           Periodically, information on how much banks are lending, to whom, at what interest rate,
                            etc. have to be submitted to the RBI by banks.

                           In  the  informal sector, there is no organisation  which supervises the credit  activities  of
                           Money lenders can charge any interest rate on the lending done by them. No one is there
                            who can stop them from using unfair means to get their money back.
                           Informal lenders charge a much higher interest on loans than formal lenders which makes
                            the cost higher for the borrower of informal loan.
                           When the cost of borrowing increases, a greater  portion of the borrower’s earnings is
                            allocated towards loan repayment. Consequently, borrowers are left with a reduced income
                            for their own use.
                           In certain cases, the amount to be repaid is greater than the income of the borrower because
                            of the  high interest rate charged. This could lead to increasing debt (as we saw for Rama
                            in Sonpur) and debt trap.
                           High cost of borrowing also discourages those who might want to start a new business.
                           For these reasons, more lending should be done by banks and cooperative societies.
                           As  a result,  individuals would  experience  increased  income, enabling them  to access
                            affordable loans for various purposes such as for growing crops, doing business, setting
                            up a small-scale industry etc. They could set up new industries or trade in goods
                           For the country’s development cheap and affordable credit is crucial.

                       Formal and Informal Credit: Who gets what?
                       Importance of formal and informal sources of credit for people in urban areas is shown by the
                       above graph.

            Economics  Class X                                                                                    E-65
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