Page 76 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 76

4. Low rate  of interest  is charged  on the  High rate of interest is charged on the
                                   loans given under this sector.       loans given under this sector.
                                5. It is the Rich households who are  Poor have to depend on informal
                                   availing cheap credit from formal  sources.
               Goyal Brothers Prakashan

                          2. Why should credit at reasonable rates be available for all?
                         Ans. High cost of borrowing discouraged those who might want to start a new business. Credit at
                            reasonable rates be available for all, this would result in higher earnings and many people
                            could then borrow cheaply for a variety of needs like for growing crops, doing business,
                            setting up a small-scale industry etc. They could set up new industries or trade in goods.
                            For the country’s development cheap and affordable credit is crucial.

                          3. Should there be a supervisor, such as the Reserve Bank of India, that looks into the loan
                            activities of informal lenders? Why would its task be quite difficult?
                         Ans. Yes, there should be a supervisor, that looks into the loan activities of informal lenders.
                            This task is quite difficult because informal lenders include moneylenders, friends, relatives,
                            traders etc.  these people  are scattered  and are not registered  with the government. Apart
                            from lending, they are involved in their own business. Keeping a check on them is difficult.

                          4. Why do you think that the share of formal sector credit is higher for the richer households
                            compared to the poorer households?
                         Ans. The share of formal sector credit is higher for the richer households compared to the poorer
                            households because richer people have better capacity to repay loan on time. Moreover, credit
                            from formal sources require collateral and documentation, which poor people cannot offer.

                        seLf-heLP grouPs for the Poor
                           Proper documents and collateral are also required to take loan from the bank.
                           Since poor does not have any collateral  to offer, it  is one of the major  reasons which
                            prevents the poor from getting bank loans.
                           On the other hand, Informal lenders such as moneylenders give a loan without collateral
                            because they personally know the borrowers.
                           Even without repaying the previous loan, the borrowers, if required, can approach the
                           However, a very high interest rate is charged by moneylenders, no records are maintained
                            of the transactions and poor borrowers are harassed by money lenders.
                           In recent years, a new approach has been implemented to provide loans to the poor,
                            particularly in rural areas.  This involves organizing small  Self Help Groups (SHGs)
                            comprised mainly of women, who pool their savings.
                           With 15-20 members in each group, regular meetings  and savings (varies from  `25  to
                            ` 100 or more per member) take place, allowing members to borrow small loans from
                            the group for their needs.
                           The interest charged by the group is lower than that of moneylenders.
                           After consistent savings (a year or two), the SHGs become eligible for loans from banks,
                            which are used to create self-employment opportunities for members. The group is collectively
                            responsible for loan repayment, and non-repayment cases are taken seriously.
            Economics  Class X                                                                                    E-67
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