Page 12 - Understanding NCERT Histroy 09th
P. 12

•  Schooling  made  compulsory for all  girls.  Marriage  was made  into  a  contract  entered
                             into freely and registered under civil law.
                          •  Divorce was made legal.

                          •  They could run small businesses.
               Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                          •  During the Reign of Terror, the government closed women’s clubs banning their political
                          •  After much struggle, women in France in 1946 won the right to vote.

                        Activity                                                                 (Page no. 18)

                         Q.  Describe the persons represented in Fig. 12 – their actions, their postures, the objects
                            they are carrying.  Look carefully  to  see  whether all  of them come from the  same
                            social group.  What symbols has the  artist  included in the image?  What do they
                            stand for? Do the actions of the women reflect traditional ideas of how women were
                            expected to behave in public? What  do  you think: does the artist sympathise  with
                            the women’s activities or is he critical of them? Discuss your views in the class.
                       Ans.  They  are all  women and belong to the underprivileged  social group.  The agricultural
                           implements in their hands symbolizes that they all are peasants. The wearing also depicts
                           their poverty. The symbol of justice held by one woman depicts that they are striving for
                           it.  The woman  on the  horse symbolises  power and strength.  The  drum symbolises  that
                           they are proclaiming their march to all concerned.
                            Here the actions of the women do not reflect the traditional ideas of how women should
                           behave in public. The artist definitely sympathises with the activities of the women.
                                                             Source E                            (Page no. 19)
                       The  life of a revolutionary woman – Olympe de Gouges  (1748-1793)
                       Olympe de Gouges was one of the most important of the politically active
                       women in revolutionary France. She protested against the Constitution and
                       the Declaration of Rights of Man and Citizen as they excluded women from
                       basic rights that each human being was entitled to. So, in 1791, she wrote
                       a Declaration  of the Rights of Woman  and Citizen, which she addressed
                       to the Queen and to the  members  of the National Assembly, demanding
                       that  they  act  upon  it.  In 1793, Olympe  de Gouges criticised the  Jacobin
                       government  for  forcibly closing down women’s clubs. She was tried by
                       the National Convention, which charged her with treason. Soon after this
                       she was executed.

                        Activity                                                                 (Page no. 20)

                         Q.  Compare the manifesto drafted by Olympe de Gouges (Source F) with the Declaration
                            of the Rights of Man and Citizen (Source C).
                       Ans.  They  are all  women and belong to the underprivileged  social group.  The agricultural
                           implements in their hands symbolizes that they all are peasants. The wearing also depicts
                           their poverty. The symbol of justice held by one woman depicts that they are striving for
                           it.  The woman  on the  horse symbolises  power and strength.  The  drum symbolises  that
                           they are proclaiming their march to all concerned.
                            Here the actions of the women do not reflect the traditional ideas of how women should
                           behave in public. The artist definitely sympathises with the activities of the women.

               H-10                                                                                        History Class IX
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