Page 18 - Understanding NCERT Histroy 09th
P. 18

11.  Guillotine was
                              (a)  A device consisting of two poles and a blade with which a person is beheaded
                              (b)  A sword by which the person is beheaded
                              (c)  A tool by which the person is hanged with the rope
               Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                              (d)  To shoot the person in front of the people
                         Ans. (a) A device consisting of two poles and a blade with which a person is beheaded
                         12.  What is livre?
                              (b)  A tax levied by the church
                              (b)  Unit of currency in France discontinued in 1794
                              (c)  Castle or stately residence belonging to a king or nobleman
                              (d)  The act of freeing
                         Ans. (b) Unit of currency in France discontinued in 1794

                         13.  What was worn by the slave upon becoming free?
                              (a)  Blue-cap     (b)  Red-cap             (c)  Yellow-cap       (d)  Purple-cap
                         Ans. (b) Red-cap

                         14.  At which place was Louis XVI executed publicly:-
                              (a)  De la Concorde (b)  Bastille          (c)  Versailles       (d)  Waterloo
                         Ans. (a) De la Concorde

                         15.  What was ‘Estates General’?
                              (a)  Head of the Army                      (b)  A political body
                              (c)  Persons of high rank in state administration  (d)  Head of Church
                         Ans. (b) A political body

                         16.  The Third Estate comprised of
                              (a)  Poor servants and small peasants, landless labourers
                              (b)  Peasants and artisans
                              (c)  Big businessmen, merchants, lawyers etc.
                              (d)  All of the above
                         Ans. (d) All of the above
                         17.  How does a ‘Subsistence Crisis’ happen?
                              (a)  Bad harvest leads to scarcity of grains
                              (b)  Food prices rise and the poorest cannot buy bread
                              (c)  Leads to weaker bodies, diseases, deaths and even food riots
                              (d)  All of the above
                         Ans. (d) All of the above
                         18.  Who wrote the pamphlet called ‘What is the Third Estate’?
                              (a)  Mirabeau, a nobleman                  (b)  Abbe Sieyes
                              (c)  Rousseau, a philosopher               (d)  Montesquieu
                         Ans. (b) Abbe Sieyes
                         19.  What was the name of tax which was directly paid to the state by the Third Estate?

                              (a)  Tithes       (b)  Livres              (c)  Taille                (d) All of these
                         Ans. (c) Taille

               H-16                                                                                        History Class IX
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