Page 22 - Understanding NCERT Histroy 09th
P. 22
l In his Two Treatises of Government, Locke sought to refute the doctrine of the divine
and absolute right of the monarch. Rousseau carried the idea forward, proposing a form
of government based on a social contract between people and their representatives. In
The Spirit of the Laws, Montesquieu proposed a division of power within the government
between the legislative, the executive and the judiciary. The ideas of these philosophers were
Goyal Brothers Prakashan
discussed intensively in salons and coffee-houses and spread among people through books and
newspapers. These were frequently read aloud in groups for the benefit of those who could
not read and write. France was a monarchy before the French revolution in 1789. Monarchy
means France was ruled by a hereditary king. Louis XVI was the king of France. The first
estate was clergy (priestly class). The second estate was nobles (rich people). The third estate
was the commoners (poor and middle class people). The first and second estates lived the
luxurious life. These two estates were getting all the high- ranking jobs. People in third estate
were less developed and poor. The third estate revolted against the king, clergy and nobles.
This marked the beginning of French Revolution.
1. Write down Rousseau’s ideas regarding government.
Ans. Rousseau carried the idea forward, proposing a form of government based on a social
contract between people and their representatives.
2. During 1789 France was ruled by which monarchy?
Ans. Monarchy means France was ruled by a hereditary king. Louis XVI was the king of France.
He belonged to Bourbon dynasty.
3. Explain Locke’s views on state.
Ans. In his book, Two Treatises of Government, Locke sought to refute the doctrine of the divine
and absolute right of the monarch.
4. Explain the life style of first and second estate.
Ans. The first and second estates lived the luxurious life. These two estates were getting all the
high- ranking jobs.
IV. Very Short Answer Questions
1. What was newly elected assembly called?
Ans. The newly elected assembly was called the convention.
2. What did the fall of Bastille signify?
Ans. The fall of Bastille signified the end of the autocratic rule of the monarch.
3. On what principle was voting conducted in the Estates General?
Ans. Each Estate having one vote, was the principle on which the voting was conducted in the
Estates General.
4. What idea did the ‘Law Tablet Convey’?
Ans. It conveyed the idea that the law is the same for all, and all are equal before law.
5. Who was the leader of the Jacobin club?
Ans. Maximillan Robespierre was the leader of the Jacobin club.
H-20 History Class IX