Page 23 - Understanding NCERT Histroy 09th
P. 23

6.  Who were denied  entry to the assembly of the Estates General,  called  by Louis XVI on 5
                             May, 1789?
                        Ans.  Peasants, artisans and women were denied entry to the assembly of the Estate General.

                         Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                          7.  Why were images and symbols used in the eighteenth century France?
                        Ans.  The majority of men and women in 18th century France could not read and write. So images
                             and symbols were frequently used instead of printed words To communicate.

                          8.  Which Dynasty ruled over French during eighteenth century?
                        Ans.  The Bourbon dynasty was ruling over French in eighteenth century.

                          9.  How did American war of Independence add more debt to France?
                        Ans.  The French army supported thirteen colonies of  America in their war of  independence
                             against Great Britain. It added more than one billion livres (unit of currency in France) that
                             had risen to more than two billion livres with interest.

                         10.  What was the most important legacy of the French Revolution?
                        Ans.  The idea of liberty, equality, fraternity and democratic rights were the most important legacy
                             of the French Revolution.

                       V.  Short Answer Type Questions

                          1.  What do you know about the term “Reign of Terror”?
                        Ans.   l  The period from 1793 to 1794 is referred to as reign of terror.
                              l  Robespierre followed the policy of severe control and punishment.
                              l  All those who were regarded as the enemy of the republic were arrested and tried by
                                tribunal. If found guilty they were guillotined.

                          2.  Highlight the provisions of the constitution which was introduced after the fall of the Jacobin
                        Ans.    l  The fall of the Jacobin Government allowed the wealthier middle classed to seize power.
                                A New constitution was introduced which denied the vote to non-propertied sections of
                              l  It provided for two elected  legislative  councils.  These then appointed  a Directory, an
                                executive made up of five members.
                              l  This was meant as a safeguard against the concentration of power in a one man executive
                                as under the Jacobins.
                          3.  What role did women play during the revolutionary years?
                        Ans.    l  From the very beginning women were active participants in the revolution which brought
                                about so many important changes in French society.
                              l  In order to discuss and voice their interests women started their own political clubs and
                              l  About sixty women’s clubs came up in different Cities of France.  The Society of
                                Revolutionary and Republican women was the most famous club.

                          4.  Which type of taxes were paid by the third estate in France?
                        Ans.  Peasants were obliged to work in nobles houses and fields, to serve in the army and build

            History Class IX                                                                                      H-21
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