Page 32 - Understanding NCERT Histroy 09th
P. 32

Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                    2             Socialism in Europe and

                                  The Russian Revolution

                       1. THE AGE OF SOCIAL CHANGE
                          l   After the French Revolution, individual  rights and social power began to be discussed

                             in many parts of the world, including Europe and Asia.
                          •   Colonial  development  reshaped  the  ideas  of  societal  change,  but  every  one  was not  in
                             favour of the complete transformation of society.
                          •  Some people wanted the establishment of democratic principles, the others supported the
                             monarchical form of the government.
                          •  In the twentieth century, socialism became one of the most significant and powerful ideas
                             to shape society.

                       1.1 Liberals, Radicals and Conservatives
                          l  Liberals wanted a nation which tolerated all religions.

                          l  They opposed the uncontrolled power of dynastic rules and argued for a representative,
                             elected parliamentary government subject to laws interpreted by a well-trained judiciary
                             that was independent of rulers and officials.
                          l  The liberals were not Democrats as they did not favour the principles of universal adult
                             franchise. They were in favour of voting only by propertied men.
                          •  The  radicals  wanted a nation  in which the  government  was elected  by the  majority  of
                             the country’s population.
                          •  Many radicals supported women’s suffragette movements to achieve voting rights.

                          •  They opposed the privileges enjoyed by landowners and wealthy factory owners.
                          •  Radicals were not against private property but were against the concentration of money
                             in the hands of a few people.
                          •  The conservatives resisted change.

                          •  However, after the French Revolution, conservatives believed in bringing about changes
                             but at a slow pace.
                          •  After 19th century, conservatives, accepted changes but also believed that the past should
                             be respected and changes in society should be made gradually.

                       1.2  Industrial Society and Social Change
                             The  Industrial  Revolution  led  to  changes  in  social  and  economic  life,  new  cities  came
                             up, and new industrialised regions developed.
                          •  Men, women, and children came to factories in search of work.

            History Class IX                                                                                      H-25
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