Page 34 - Understanding NCERT Histroy 09th
P. 34

  a medium-level landowner
                              a house owner.
                       Ans. (a)  A Poor Labourer working  in the Fields: Dear friends, nature has not done any
                               partiality  in providing resources to everyone  and so some people  owning more land
                         Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                               than others is incorrect.  All the profits from our crops are the result of hard work
                               done by people like me in planting seeds, irrigating   the crops, keeping them free
                               from pests and finally  harvesting them. So, I think we labourers should share in the
                               profits made from sale of crops, instead of getting a subsistence wage. To enable this,
                               private ownership of property needs to be abolished and collective ownership of the
                               fields by all the labourers who are working on it should be introduced.
                           (b)  A  Medium-Level Land-owner: Respected  friends, I do not agree  with the private
                               ownership of property. It is not rational and will reduce the crop production. One can
                               not try to increase crop production if the entire profit is not going to him. In fact, what
                               should be done is the equitable distribution of land to all, so that only some people do
                               not own large tracts of land, while others have to manage with small patch of land,
                               or are deprived completely of any land ownership. So, all should have ownership of
                               land so that everyone can be benefitted.
                           (c)  A House Owner: I think everybody should have the basic necessities of life like food,
                               shelter and clothing, but not at the expense of other people’s property. Those who do
                               not have land should be given the means to earn their livelihoods in whatever manner
                               is convenient. We have earned our property through the sincere efforts of our ancestors
                               and so we should not be deprived  of the  labour and wisdom of our forefathers  in
                               acquiring land. I think this is very reasonable.

                       2. THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION
                           l   The  Monarchy  fell  in  February  1917, and  the  events  that  happened  in  October  were
                             termed as the Russian Revolution.

                       2.1 The Russian Empire in 1914

                              In 1914, Russia was ruled by Tsar Nicholas II.
                          •  In those days the Russian Empire  included  the territory  of Moscow, Finland, Latvia,
                             Lithuania, Estonia, parts of Poland, Ukraine and Belarus.
                          •  The Russian Orthodox Christianity was practiced by the majority of its population.

                       2.2 Economy and Society
                          l  The Russian population was dominated by agriculturalists,who used to cultivate for the
                             market as well as for their own needs. Russia was a major exporter of grain.
                          •  At this time, industries were limited in Russia.
                          •  The prominent industrial areas were St. Petersburg and Moscow.
                          •  In the 1890s, more factories were set up, and foreign investment in industry increased.

                          •  Large factories were supervised by government officials to make sure about the workers
                             wages and also about their working hours.
                          •  Workers were divided according to their skills, but they were united together when they
                             were dissatisfied with their employer.
                          •  The nobility, the crown and the Orthodox Church owned large properties.

            History Class IX                                                                                      H-27
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