Page 38 - Understanding NCERT Histroy 09th
P. 38
3.1 After February
• The Provisional Government in Russia was influenced by army officials, landowners, and
industrialists, but both liberals and socialists within it aimed for an elected government.
• Restrictions on public meetings and associations were lifted, and soviets like the Petrograd
Goyal Brothers Prakashan
Soviet were established across the country.
• In April 1917, Vladimir Lenin, a leader of the Bolsheviks, returned from exile and called
for the Soviets to seize power.
• He demanded to end the war, transfer land to peasants, and banks to be nationalised.
These demands were called as “April Thesis.”
• The Bolshevik Party was renamed to the Communist Party, under his leadership.
• The workers’ movement expanded with the formation of factory committees and growing
trade unions.
• Soldiers’ committees were established in the army, and an All Russian Congress of Soviets
was held in June with representatives from 500 soviets.
• As the Bolshevik influence expanded and the Provisional administration’s power declined.
• The provisional administration took action against the growth of discontent by arresting
leaders and resisting factory workers to run factories.
• In Rural areas, peasants and their Socialist Revolutionary leaders pressurized the government
for a redistribution of land.
(Page no. 36)
Q. Look again at Source A and Box 1.
List five changes in the mood of the workers.
Place yourself in the position of a woman who has seen both situations and write
an account of what has changed.
Ans. A. List five changes in the mood of the workers.
The changes in the mood of the workers were as follows:
(i) Earlier only meetings were being held in an organized manner. Now the workers
just stopped work to press for their rights, like Marfa Vasileva did.
(ii) Earlier, no women workers were involved. But now a woman worker initiated the
strike by stopping the work.
(iii) Earlier there was no demonstration of unity between men and women workers.
Now the women presented red bows to the men, showing the unity. Also, the men
downed the tools in support of the women who had gone on strike.
(iv) The mood of the workers was more determined now. They took action instead of
just talking.
B. Place yourself in the position of a woman who has seen both situations and write an
account of what has changed.
Ans. I have seen both situations and I feel that the workers only discuss their problems by
organizing meetings, now they are fearless, willing to sacrifice their jobs, rebellious
and supporting each other’s action cutting across gender differences.
History Class IX H-31