Page 54 - Understanding NCERT Histroy 09th
P. 54

IV. Very Short Answer Questions
                           1.  Mention the most significant result of the February Revolution.
                         Ans. The abdication of Tsar Nicholas-II
               Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                           2.  Explain the significance of the Russian revolution.
                         Ans. The major significance of the Russian revolution was the establishment of a socialist state.

                           3.  What does the term ‘conservative’ mean?
                         Ans. The conservatives believed in respect for the past and change through a gradual process.

                           4.  List the names of two workers associations.
                          Ans.  (a)  Labour Party in Britain
                              (b)  Socialist Party in France

                           5.  Name the international body formed to coordinate socialist efforts.
                         Ans. The Second International body was formed in 1870, to coordinate socialist efforts throughout

                           6.  Who were socialists?
                         Ans. Socialists  were  those  people  who were  against  private  property  and  saw it  as the  root  of
                              all social ills of the time.

                           7.  Who was the ruler of Russia during the October Revolution.
                         Ans. Kerenskii was the ruler of Russia during the October Revolution.

                           8.  Explain the main demands of “April Theses”.
                         Ans. In April 1917, the Bolshevik leader Vladimir Lenin returned to Russia from his exile. He
                              and the Bolsheviks had opposed the war since 1914. Now he felt it was time for soviets to
                              take over the power. He put three demands which were known as Lenin’s April Theses.
                              The three demands were :
                              (a)  He declared that the war to be ended
                              (b)  Land to be transferred to the peasants
                              (c)  The banks to be nationalised

                           9.  Who were liberals?
                         Ans. One group of people who wanted to change the society were called liberals.

                          10.  What Did The Liberals Want?
                         Ans. The liberals wanted a country which will tolerate all the religions.

            History Class IX                                                                                      H-47
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