Page 53 - Understanding NCERT Histroy 09th
P. 53
2. Assertion (A): Lenin persuaded the Bolsheviks to lead the October Revolution.
Reason (R): Lenin feared the provisional Government would set up a dictatorship.
Ans. (a)
Goyal Brothers Prakashan
3. Assertion (A): Russian army began to break up after land redistribution.
Reason (R): Soldiers, who were mostly peasants, returned home to get land.
Ans. (a)
4. Assertion (A): In April 1920, Lenin returned to Russia from exile
Reason (R): Lenin and Bolsheviks had opposed the war since 1914.
Ans. (c)
III. Case Study Based Questions
l “Women workers, often… inspired their male co-workers… At the Lorenz telephone factory….
Marta Vasileva almost single handedly called a successful strike. Already that morning, in
celebration of Women’s Day, women workers had presented red bows to the men … Then
Marta Vasileva, a milling machine operator stopped work and declared an impromptu strike.
The workers on the floor were ready to support her… The foreman informed the management
and sent her a loaf of bread. She took the bread but refused to go back to work. The
administrator asked her again why she refused to work and she replied, “I cannot be the only
one who is satiated when others are hungry”. Women workers from another section of the
factory gathered around Marfa in support and gradually all the other women ceased working.
Soon the men downed their tools as well and the entire crowd rushed onto the street.
1. Who was Marfa Vasileva?
Ans. She was a milling machine operator at Lorenz telephone factory.
2. Why is International Women’s Day celebrated?
Ans. Because this day women workers in Russia led to strike in factories.
3. Write about the role of women in Russian Revolution?
Ans. They inspired male workers to go for strike. Women workers from another section of the
factory gathered around Marfa in support and gradually all the other women ceased working.
Soon the men downed their tools as well and the entire crowd rushed onto the street.
l The Kirghiz welcomed the first revolution (ie February Revolution) with joy and the second
revolution with consternation and terror (This) first revolution freed them from the oppression
of the Tsarist regime and strengthened their hope that……… autonomy would be realised. The
second revolution (October Revolution) was accompanied by violence, pillage, taxes and the
establishment of dictatorial power. …..Once a small group of Tsarist bureaucrats oppressed
the Kirghiz. Now the same group of people…. perpetuate the same regime…
1. Why did the Kirghiz welcome the first revolution with joy?
Ans. The first revolution freed them from the oppression of the Tsarist regime.
2. Who was the leader of the second revolution?
Ans. Vladimir Lenin was the leader of the Second Revolution.
3. Mention any two changes which were brought in Russia after the second revolution?
Ans. 1. Process of centralised planning was introduced.
2. All prices were fixed by the government to promote industrial growth.
H-46 History Class IX