Page 159 - NCERT Science Class 10 English Medium
P. 159

(ii) A ray of light passing
                                                                                    through a principal
                                                                                    focus, after refraction
                                                                                    from a convex lens, will
                                                                                    emerge parallel to the
                                                                                    principal axis. This is
                                                                                    shown in Fig. 9.14 (a). A
                             (a)                             (b)                    ray of light appearing to
                                                                                    meet at the principal
                                        Figure 9.149.14
                                        Figure 9.14
                                        Figure 9.14
                                        Figure  9.14                                focus of a concave lens,
                                                                                    after refraction, will
                                                                                    emerge parallel to the
                                                                                    principal axis. This is
                                                                                    shown in Fig.9.14 (b).
                                                                               (iii) A ray of light passing
                                                                                    through the optical
                                                                                    centre of a lens will
                                                                                    emerge without any
                                                                                    deviation.    This    is
                            (a)                             (b)                     illustrated in Fig.9.15(a)
                                       Figure 9.159.15
                                       Figure 9.15                                  and Fig.9.15 (b).
                                       Figure 9.15
                                        The ray diagrams for the image formation in a convex lens for a few
                                     positions of the object are shown in Fig. 9.16. The ray diagrams
                                     representing the image formation in a concave lens for various positions
                                     of the object are shown in Fig. 9.17.

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