Page 158 - NCERT Science Class 10 English Medium
P. 158

                     Activity 9.139.13
                     Activity    9.13
                     Activity 9.13
                     Activity 9.13
                    n Take a concave lens. Place it on a lens stand.
                    n Place a burning candle on one side of the lens.
                    n Look through the lens from the other side and observe the image.
                      Try to get the image on a screen, if possible. If not, observe the
                      image directly through the lens.
                    n Note down the nature, relative size and approximate position of
                      the image.
                    n Move the candle away from the lens.  Note the change in the size
                      of the image. What happens to the size of the image when the
                      candle is placed too far away from the lens.

                    The summary of the above Activity is given in Table 9.5 below.

                 Table 9.5 Nature, position and relative size of the image formed by a concave lens for various
                             positions of the object

                    Position of the           Position of           Relative size of         Nature of
                        object                the image                the image             the image

                    At infinity            At focus F              Highly diminished,    Virtual and erect
                    Between infinity and   Between focus F         Diminished            Virtual and erect
                    optical centre O       and optical centre O
                    of the lens

                    What conclusion can you draw from this Activity? A concave lens
                 will always give a virtual, erect and diminished image, irrespective of the
                 position of the object.

                 9.3.5 Image Formation in Lenses Using Ray Diagrams
                  We can represent image formation by lenses using ray diagrams. Ray
                 diagrams will also help us to study the nature, position and relative size
                 of the image formed by lenses. For drawing ray diagrams in lenses, alike
                 of spherical mirrors, we consider any two of the following rays –
                    (i) A ray of light from the object, parallel to the principal axis, after
                        refraction from a convex lens, passes through the principal focus
                        on the other side of the lens, as shown in Fig. 9.13 (a). In case of
                        a concave lens,
                        the ray appears
                        to diverge from
                        the principal
                        focus located
                        on the same
                        side of the lens,
                        as shown in
                                                        (a)                                   (b)
                        Fig. 9.13 (b).
                                                                      Figure 9.13
                                                                      Figure 9.13
                                                                      Figure 9.139.13
                                                                      Figure  9.13
                 Light – Reflection and Refraction                                                        153

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