Page 205 - NCERT Science Class 10 English Medium
P. 205

Imagine that you are holding a current-carrying straight
                                           conductor in your right hand such that the thumb points towards
                                           the direction of current. Then your fingers will wrap around the
                                           conductor in the direction of the field lines of the magnetic field, as
                                           shown in Fig. 12.7. This is known as the right-hand thumb rule*.

                                         Example 12.1
              Figure 12.7
              Figure 12.712.7            A current through a horizontal power line flows in east to west
              Figure 12.7
              Right-hand thumb rule      direction. What is the direction of magnetic field at a point directly
                                         below it and at a point directly above it?
                                         The current is in the east-west direction. Applying the right-hand
                                         thumb rule, we get that the magnetic field (at any point below or
                                         above the wire) turns clockwise in a plane perpendicular to the wire,
                                         when viewed from the east end, and anti-clockwise, when viewed
                                         from the west end.

                                  Q       U      E     S      T     I     O      N      S

                 1.   Draw magnetic field lines around a bar magnet.
                 2.   List the properties of magnetic field lines.
                 3.   Why don’t two magnetic field lines intersect each other?

                                     12.2.3 Magnetic Field due to a Current through a
                                              Circular Loop

                                                We have so far observed the pattern of the magnetic field lines
                                                produced around a current-carrying straight wire. Suppose
                                                this straight wire is bent in the form of a circular loop and a
                                                current is passed through it. How would the magnetic field
                                                lines look like? We know that the magnetic field produced
                                                by a current-carrying straight wire depends inversely on the
                                                distance from it. Similarly at every point of a current-carrying
                                                circular loop, the concentric circles representing the magnetic
                                                field around it would become larger and larger as we move
                                                away from the wire (Fig. 12.8). By the time we reach at the
                                                centre of the circular loop, the arcs of these big circles would
              Figure 12.812.8                   appear as straight lines. Every point on the wire carrying
              Figure 12.8
              Figure 12.8
              Magnetic field lines of the field  current would give rise to the magnetic field appearing as
              produced by a current-carrying    straight lines at the center of the loop. By applying the right
              circular loop
                                                hand rule, it is easy to check that every section of the wire
                                                contributes to the magnetic field lines in the same direction
                                                within the loop.
                                     * This rule is also called Maxwell’s corkscrew rule. If we consider ourselves driving a
                                       corkscrew in the direction of the current, then the direction of the rotation of
                                       corkscrew is the direction of the magnetic field.

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