Page 206 - NCERT Science Class 10 English Medium
P. 206

We know that the magnetic field produced by a current-carrying
                 wire at a given point depends directly on the current passing through it.
                 Therefore, if there is a circular coil having n turns, the field produced is
                 n times as large as that produced by a single turn. This is because the
                 current in each circular turn has the same direction, and the field due to
                 each turn then just adds up.

                     Activity 12.612.6
                     Activity    12.6
                     Activity 12.6
                     Activity 12.6
                   n Take a rectangular cardboard having two holes.
                      Insert a circular coil having large number of turns
                      through them, normal to the plane of the cardboard.
                   n Connect the ends of the coil in series with a battery,
                      a key and a rheostat, as shown in Fig. 12.9.
                   n Sprinkle iron filings uniformly on the cardboard.
                   n Plug the key.
                   n Tap the cardboard gently a few times. Note the
                                                                             Figure 12.9
                                                                             Figure 12.9
                      pattern of the iron filings that emerges on the        Figure 12.912.9
                                                                             Magnetic field produced by a current-
                                                                             carrying circular coil.
                 12.2.4 Magnetic Field due to a Current in a Solenoid
                 A coil of many circular turns of insulated copper wire wrapped
                 closely in the shape of a cylinder is called a solenoid. The pattern
                 of the magnetic field lines around a current-carrying solenoid is
                 shown in Fig. 12.10. Compare the pattern of the field with the
                 magnetic field around a bar magnet (Fig. 12.4). Do they look
                 similar? Yes, they are similar. In fact, one end of the solenoid
                 behaves as a magnetic north pole, while the other behaves as the
                 south pole. The field lines inside the solenoid are in the form of  Figure 12.1012.10
                                                                                     Figure 12.10
                                                                                     Figure 12.10
                 parallel straight lines. This indicates that the magnetic field is  Field lines of the magnetic field
                 the same at all points inside the solenoid. That is, the field is   through and around a current
                                                                                     carrying solenoid.
                 uniform inside the solenoid.
                    A strong magnetic field produced inside a solenoid can be
                 used to magnetise a piece of magnetic material, like soft iron,
                 when placed inside the coil (Fig. 12.11). The magnet so formed is
                 called an electromagnet.
                      Q      U      E      S     T      I    O       N      S
                                                                                     Figure 12.11
                                                                                     Figure 12.1112.11
                                                                                     Figure 12.11
                                                                                     A current-carrying solenoid coil
                   1.    Consider a circular loop of wire lying in                   is used to magnetise steel rod
                         the plane of the table. Let the current                     inside it – an electromagnet.
                         pass through the loop clockwise. Apply
                         the right-hand rule to find out the
                         direction of the magnetic field inside    ?
                         and outside the loop.
                   2.    The magnetic field in a given region is
                         uniform. Draw a diagram to represent it.

                 Magnetic Effects of Electric Current                                                     201

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