Page 63 - NCERT Science Class 10 English Medium
P. 63


                                                    Carbon and its


                                       n the last Chapter, we came to know many compounds of importance
                                     Ito us. In this Chapter we will study about some more interesting
                                     compounds and their properties. Also, we shall be learning about carbon,
                                     an element which is of immense significance to us in both its elemental
                                     form and in the combined form.

                   Activity 4.14.1
                   Activity 4.1                                   Things made      Things made      Others
                   Activity 4.1
                                                                    of metal       of glass/clay
                 n Make a list of ten things you have used
                    or consumed since the morning.
                 n Compile this list with the lists made by
                    your classmates and then sort the items
                    into the adjacent Table.
                 n If there are items which are made up of
                    more than one material, put them into
                    both the relevant columns of the table.
                                        Look at the items that come in the last column of the above table
                                     filled by you – your teacher will be able to tell you that most of them are
                                     made up of compounds of carbon. Can you think of a method to test
                                     this? What would be the product if a compound containing carbon is
                                     burnt? Do you know of any test to confirm this?
                                        Food, clothes, medicines, books, or many of the things that you listed
                                     are all based on this versatile element carbon. In addition, all living
                                     structures are carbon based. The amount of carbon present in the earth’s
                                     crust and in the atmosphere is quite meagre. The earth’s crust has only
                                     0.02% carbon in the form of minerals (like carbonates, hydrogen-
                                     carbonates, coal and petroleum) and the atmosphere has 0.03% of carbon
                                     dioxide. In spite of this small amount of carbon available in nature, the
                                     importance of carbon seems to be immense. In this Chapter, we will know
                                     about the properties of carbon which make carbon so important to us.

                                     4.1 BONDING IN CARBON – THE COVALENT BOND

                                     In the previous Chapter, we have studied the properties of ionic
                                     compounds. We saw that ionic compounds have high melting and boiling
                                     points and conduct electricity in solution or in the molten state. We also

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