Page 41 - Understanding NCERT Science 09
P. 41

              whole numbers or as near to a whole numbers      mass of the atom, as compared to 1/12  the
              as possible. While searching for various         mass of one carbon-12 atom.
              atomic mass units, scientists initially took 1/
              16 of the mass of an atom of naturally            Table 3.2: Atomic masses of
              occurring oxygen as the unit. This was                         a few elements
              considered relevant due to two reasons:
              •   oxygen reacted with a large number of              Element           Atomic Mass (u)
                  elements and formed compounds.
              •   this atomic mass unit gave masses of              Hydrogen                    1
                  most of the elements as whole numbers.            Carbon                     12
                 However, in 1961 for a universally                 Nitrogen                   14
              accepted atomic mass unit, carbon-12 isotope
              was chosen as the standard reference for              Oxygen                     16
              measuring atomic masses. One atomic mass              Sodium                     23
              unit is a mass unit equal to exactly one-twelfth      Magnesium                  24
              (1/12 ) the mass of one atom of carbon-12.
                                                                    Sulphur                    32
              The relative atomic masses of all elements
              have been found with respect to an atom of            Chlorine                  35.5
              carbon-12.                                            Calcium                    40
                 Imagine a fruit seller selling fruits without
              any standard weight with him. He takes a
              watermelon and says, “this has a mass equal      3.2.3 HOW DO ATOMS EXIST?
              to 12 units” (12 watermelon units or 12 fruit
              mass units). He makes twelve equal pieces of     Atoms of most elements are not able to exist
              the watermelon and finds the mass of each fruit  independently. Atoms form molecules and
              he is selling, relative to the mass of one piece  ions. These molecules or ions aggregate in
              of the watermelon. Now he sells his fruits by    large numbers to form the matter that we can
              relative fruit mass unit (fmu), as in Fig. 3.4.  see, feel or touch.

                                                              Q    uestions

                                                                      1. Define the atomic mass unit.
                                                                      2. Why is it not possible to see an
                                                                          atom with naked eyes?

                                                               3.3 What is a Molecule?

                                                               A molecule is in general a group of two or
                                                               more atoms that are chemically bonded
                                                               together, that is, tightly held together by
                                                               attractive forces. A molecule can be defined
              Fig. 3.4 : (a) Watermelon, (b) 12 pieces, (c) 1/12 of  as the smallest particle of an element or a
                       watermelon, (d) how the fruit seller can  compound that is capable of an independent
                       weigh the fruits using pieces of watermelon  existence and shows all the properties of that
                                                               substance. Atoms of the same element or of
                 Similarly, the relative atomic mass of the    different elements can join together to form
              atom of an element is defined as the average     molecules.

                  30                                                                                  SCIENCE

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