Page 162 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 162

18. The process of integration between different countries is called as ____________.   [1]
                               (a)  Privatization                  (b)  Globalization
                               (c)  Liberalization                 (s)  Competition
               Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                         19. Which of the following statements Is correct keeping the requirement of formation of
                            government in view.                                                           [1]
                            Statement (i): It is possible for independent candidates to form a government.
                            Statement (ii): Government formation is exclusively reserved for political parties.
                            Statement (iii): The formation of government is limited to only elected political parties.
                            Statement (iv): Government can only be formed by political parties that are elected and hold
                            a majority.
                               (a)  Statement (i) and (ii) are right.    (b)  Statement (i), (ii) and (iii) are right.
                               (c)  Statement (iii) is right.      (d)  Only statement (iv) is right.

                         20. Miss “S” approached a bank nearby to avail loan for her own business, as well as a Self-help
                            group which is operating  in her village,  the bank rejected  her loan application  whereas the
                            Self-help group accepted to support her by providing the loan.
                            Which one of the following documents is required by the bank, but not required by the self-
                            help group to approve Miss “S’s” loan application for her business?           [1]
                               (a)  Application for loans          (b)  Arrangement Letter
                               (c)  Document on Collateral
                               (d)  Demand promissory note and take delivery letter.

                                                           SECTION B
                                        VERy ShORT ANSwER QuESTIONS [2 × 4 = 8]

                         21.  Q:  Study the map thoroughly and mention the languages that are dominantly spoken in
                                Belgium.                                                                  [2]

                            For Visually impaired students in lieu of the above question
                            Q: Mention the languages that are dominantly spoken in Belgium.

             P-142                                                                                      Economics  Class X
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