Page 164 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 164
Table- B
Share of sectors in employment in %
Year Tertiary Secondary Primary
1977-78 18 11 71
Goyal Brothers Prakashan
2017-18 31 25 44
A remarkable fact about India is that while there has been a change in the share of the three
sectors in GDP, a similar shift has not taken place in employment. Why didn’t a similar shift
out of primary sector happen in case of employment? Substantiate your answer.
Note: The following question is for Visually Impaired Candidates only in lieu of Q. No.29
Q. Tertiary sector activities help in the development of Primary and Secondary sectors. Substantiate
your answer.
lONg ANSwER-BASED QuESTIONS [5 × 4 = 20]
30. (A) Analyze the impact of mining activities on the local environment and the health of the
surrounding communities. [5]
(B) “Non-conventional resources are the best option to conserve the natural resources”
Substantiate this statement with examples.
31. (A) How would you evaluate Napoleon as an administrator who created a more rational and
efficient system? Elucidate with suitable examples. [5]
(B) Analyze the decisions taken by the conservatives at the Congress of Vienna in the year
32. (A) Analyse the role of a multiparty system in a democratic country like India. [5]
(B) Evaluate the significant distinction between the national and regional parties and assess
the requirements for a regional party to become a national party.
33. (A) A farmer borrowed money from a money lender at a high rate of interest. As he could
not pay the interest. Mr. “X” was forced to borrow from another landlord to settle the amount
for the interest borrowed, to the money lender. State the consequences he may face in this
situation. [5]
(B) “Self–Help Groups eliminate poverty and empower women”. Substantiate with suitable
P-144 Economics Class X