Page 163 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 163
22. (A) “The most powerful weapon of the Spanish conqueror was not a conventional military
weapon at all.” Justify the above statement by giving two reasons. [2]
(B) “Traders and travellers introduced new crops to lands they travelled.” Substantiate this
Goyal Brothers Prakashan
statement with illustrations.
23. Mr. Palani is from Tamil Nādu, wishes to cultivate either Tea or Wheat. Which one of the
crops out of the two can he cultivate in his state? Substantiate your answer with any two
reasons. [2]
24. Mention any four reasons to prove that India is a federal country. [2]
25. Provide evidence to support the claim that print culture had a significant impact on the social
lives of women in India? [3]
26. (A) A worker in an urban area, who was working in a small factory, was not paid his wages
properly, he was forced to work extra hours under poor working conditions, there was no
job security, recently he lost his job and was found selling electrical items in a pushcart.
Analyze the role of the government in protecting the workers working in an Unorganized
sector. [3]
(B) Mr Pawan, a village head wanted to create more job opportunities to increase the income
of the people of his village under MNREGA Act. Suggest any three activities, so that Mr
Pawan could initiate in his village.
27. “Agriculture gives boost to the industrial sector’. Justify the statement with any three relevant
points. [3]
28. The Indian constitution provides three lists to distribute the legislative power. State any two
subjects that are included in the union list. In which list the subject “Education” is included
and why? [3]
29. Compare Tables “A” & “B” and answer the question given below. [3]
Table- A
Share of Sectors in GDP in %
Year Tertiary Secondary Primary
1973-74 50 10 40
2013-14 68 21 11
Economics Class X P-143