Page 3 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 3
1 Development
Goyal Brothers Prakashan
To achieve the desired goals, we need to think of some ways and this task is the beginning
of the term "Development". How we live today is dependent on our past. We want changes
because of the past experiences in real life. These aspirations and opportunities can come
true through a democratic political process.
What Development promises – Different people, Different Goals
Different persons having different aspirations–
(Page No. 4)
Category of Person Developmental Goals/Aspirations
Landless rural More days of work and better wages; local school is able to
labourers provide quality education for their children; there is no social
discrimination and they too can become leaders in the village.
Prosperous farmers Assured a high family income through higher support prices
from Punjab for their crops and through hardworking and cheap labourers;
they should be able to settle their children abroad.
Farmers who depend Expects to have more alternate methods for growing crops like
only on rain for canals, tube-wells, or rahats and more alternatives for earning
growing crops other than farming.
A rural woman from a Better education for her children and people around her. Better
land-owning family earnings by providing land on lease. An equal treatment with the
men having the similar scenario.
Urban unemployed Good employment opportunities in urban areas with job security
youth and perks to have a decent standard of living.
A boy from a rich Choice of having a career for himself. Not to be forced to join
urban family the family business; also to have a choice between any other non-
academic career as well.
A girl from a rich She gets as much freedom as her brother and is able to decide
urban family what she wants to do in life. She is able to pursue her studies
An adivasi from To get access to local services like hospitals, schools for the
Narmada valley children, roads. No discrimination in schools and job opportunities
along with government support as and when required.
Now these above aspirations might vary from person to person or from group to group which
might even be conflicting. These are true on an average as a whole.
So, in short developmental goals might vary for uncommon people. Positive development
goal for one might be negative for another.
Economics Class X E-1