Page 4 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 4

income anD other Goals
                            Everyone wants a better life in relative terms to one another and for that we need more
                            People  also  seek  things  like  equal  treatment,  freedom,  security,  and  respect  for  others
               Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                            which are even more important than more income or more consumption because material
                            goods are not the only things that you need to live.
                            There are many things that are not easily measured but they mean a lot to our lives like
                            friendship or so and these are not given equal importance.
                            People consider a variety of goals when it comes to development. Hence, the goals that
                            people have are not only about more money but also about other significant aspects of life.

                                                    Let’s  Work  these  out                        (Page No. 6)
                          1.  Why do different persons have different notions of development? Which of the following
                            explanations is more important and why?
                             (i)  Because people are different.
                            (ii)  Because life situations of persons are different.
                         Ans.  (ii)  Different  persons have different  notions of development  because  life  situations of
                                persons are different. Development goals of a girl from a rich urban family will be
                                surely different  from a farmer  in Rajasthan.  It is because  their  situations,  lifestyle,
                                and status are very different from each other. Over a period of time, if the situation
                                changes, automatically goals of a person will also change.

                          2.  Do the following two statements mean the same? Justify your answer. (a) People have
                             different developmental goals. (b) People have conflicting developmental goals.
                        Ans.  Yes, these two statements mean almost the same, as different persons could have different
                            as well as conflicting developmental goals, e g., in Gujarat, the government is in favour
                            of the Narmada Project, while the people who are adversely affected by the project/dam
                            are opposing this.

                          3.  Give some examples where factors other than income are important aspects of our lives.
                        Ans.  Though income is one of the most important aspects of our lives, there are other important
                            things, such as –
                             (i)  People also seek things like equal treatment, freedom, security and respect.
                            (ii)  Women need safe and secure environment to take up a variety of jobs or to run a business.
                            (iii)  People also need political rights.
                            (iv)  People seek a pollution-free environment

                          4.  Explain some of the important ideas of the above section in your own words.
                        Ans.  The above section  is based on the income  and the goals of the people.  Here, besides
                            seeking more income, people sometimes seek things like equal treatment, freedom, respect
                            and security. People have important goals as above. The factor on which life depends is
                            money or income but the quality of our life depends on non-material things also.

                        national Development
                            It is important to remember that different people may have varied and sometimes opposing
                            views on how a country should develop. A crucial aspect of national development is figuring
                            out the way which is more effective to achieve national objectives without harming the
                            individual objectives.
              E-2                                                                                       Economics  Class X
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