Page 9 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 9
4. In Tamil Nadu, 90 per cent of the people living in rural areas use a ration shop, whereas
in West Bengal only 35 per cent of rural people do so. Where would people be better
off and why?
Ans. The quality of life can't be determined by considering this factor alone. But as per certain
Goyal Brothers Prakashan
points, the people in Tamil Nadu are better as 90% people depending on ration means
they give mass subsidies to poor. So great number of people can cross poverty line.
activity (Page No. 12)
Objective of the Activity: To make Calculations for table given below.
Category Male Female
Literacy rate for rural population 76% 54%
Literacy rate for rural children in age group 10-14 years 90% 87%
Percentage of rural children aged 10-14 attending school 85% 82%
(i) The literacy rate for all age groups, including young and old, is _____ for rural males and
_____ for rural females. However, it is not just that these many adults could not attend
school but that there are _____ who are currently not in school.
Ans. 76%, 54%, 15% males and 18% females.
(ii) It is clear from the table that _____ % of rural girls and _____% of rural boys are not
attending school. Therefore, illiteracy among children in the age group 10-14 is as high
as _____% for rural females and _____% for rural males.
Ans. 18%, 15%, 13%, 10%.
(iii) This high level of illiteracy among __________ age group, even after more than 70 years
of our independence, is most disturbing. In many other states also we are nowhere near
realisation of the constitutional goal of free and compulsory education for all children up
to the age of 14, which was expected to be achieved by 1960.
Ans. 10-14 years.
activity (Page No. 13)
Objective of the Activity: To find out BMI of each student in class by taking their weight
and height.
Ans. Let’s say the height of a boy is 1.68 m and his weight is 70 kg.
Step 1: 70 divided by (1.68) = 24.80 is the BMI of the student.
Step 2: Locate the BMI as per the locator (BMI for age).
Conclusion: This could determine whether a child is underweight or overweight. In this case
the child is overweight. So, a healthy lifestyle should be opted for everyone and we should
encourage our fellow mates instead of body shaming them.
human Development report
Not only income is required to live a good life but there is a list of things required for
the development process. Health and education are top most examples for it.
As per Human Development Report published by UNDP – the three important parameters
are health, education and income.
Economics Class X E-7