Page 7 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 7

3.  Besides size of per capita income, what other property of income is important in comparing
                            two or more societies?
                        Ans.  Average income, i.e., per capita income, is important but not the only criterion for
                            development. Along with average income, equitable distribution of income in a country
               Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                            should also be considered.
                          4.  Suppose records show that the average income in a country has been increasing over a
                             period of time. From this, can we conclude that all sections of the economy have become
                             better? Illustrate your answer with an example.
                        Ans.  All sections of the economy  have become  better  cannot  be concluded  because  different
                            sections of the economy may have become better or worse. An example  is the current
                            situation in India, where the average income has increased every year; the services sector
                            has increased very much, but agriculture is having virtually no growth.

                          5.  From the text, find out the per capita income level of about 10-15 low-income countries
                             as per World Development Reports.
                        Ans.  Per capita income level of middle-income countries as per  WDR 2006 was between
                            `37,000 and `4,53,000 per annum.

                          6.  Write a paragraph on your notion of what should India do, or achieve, to become a
                             developed country
                        Ans.  To become a developed sovereign state, India should achieve the following –
                             (i)  A highly developed economy.
                            (ii)  Have advanced infrastructure facilities like better roads, better telecom network, better
                                transportation facilities, etc.
                            (iii)  Higher per capita income, matching that of other developed countries.
                            (iv)  A higher general standard of living with enough food to feed the poorest people adequately.
                            (v)  The service sector should provide more wealth/income than the industrial or agricultural

                        income anD other criteria
                            Let us compare the per capita income of               Per Capita Income for
                            Haryana, Kerala, and Bihar.                State           2018-19 (in Rs)
                            Here, Haryana has the highest per capita  Haryana            2,36,147
                            income and Bihar is at the bottom. So, if per   Kerala        2,04,105
                            capita income were to be used as the measure
                            of development, Haryana will be considered   Bihar             40,982
                            the most developed state of the three.     Source: Economic Survey 2020-21, P.A. 29
                                         Infant Mortality   Literacy Rate %   Net Attendance Ratio (per 100
                             State     Rate per 1,000 live                   persons) secondary stage (age 14
                                          births (2018)        2017-18            and 15 years) 2017-18
                             Haryana           30                82                        61
                             Kerala            7                 94                        83
                             Bihar             32                62                        43
                             Sources: Economics  Survey  2020-21, P.A.  157, National  Sample  Survey  Organisation  (Report  No. 585.)
                             National statistical office, Government of India.

                            Again, if we look at infant mortality rate, Literacy rate and Net attendance ratio of Haryana,
                            Kerala and Bihar. We can conclude that,
                            Infant Mortality rate (i.e., the children dying below the age of 1 per 1000) is the least
                            for Kerala and highest for Bihar.
            Economics  Class X                                                                                     E-5
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