Page 8 - Understanding Economics for Class 10
P. 8

  Literacy rate (i.e., the literate children above the age of 7 years) is the Highest for Kerala
                            and lowest for Bihar.
                            Finally, the  net  attendance  ratio  (i.e.,  the  total  number of children  of age  group 14 and
                            15-years attending school as a percentage of total number of children of same age) is the
               Goyal Brothers Prakashan
                            maximum for Kerala and least for Bihar.

                        public facilities
                            Money is the  not only thing  needed to  live  a good life  and to buy desired  goods and
                            services. Hence, we cannot conclude income as the best indicator to live.
                            With money you cannot get a pollution free environment, unadulterated medicines as well
                            as it won’t be able to protect you from infectious disease at an individual level.
                            Kerala  has a  low  IMR (Infant  Mortality  Rate)  because  of  good  health  and  educational
                            In some states PDS (Public Distribution System) is effective.

                                                    Let’s  Work  these  out                        (Page No. 12)
                          1.  Look at data in the Tables given below. Is Haryana ahead of Kerala in literacy rate etc.,
                            as it is in terms of per capita income?
                                   State               Per Capita Income for 2018-19 (in Rs)
                                   Haryana                           2,36,147
                                   Kerala                            2,04,105
                                   Bihar                              40,982
                                   Source: Economic Survey 2020-21, P.A. 29

                                  Infant Mortality Rate per   Literacy Rate %  Net Attendance Ratio (per 100
                          State                                             persons) secondary stage (age 14
                                   1,000 live births (2018)   2017-18            and 15 years) 2017-18
                          Haryana            30                  82                      61
                          Kerala             7                   94                      83
                          Bihar              32                  62                      43
                          Sources: Economics Survey 2020-21, P.A. 157, National Sample Survey Organisation (Report No. 585.)
                          National statistical office, Government of India.
                        Ans.  No, Haryana is not ahead of Kerala in literacy rate.

                          2.  Think of other examples where collective provision of goods and services is cheaper than
                             individual provision.
                        Ans.  There are a number of examples in life where collective provision of goods and service
                            is better and cheaper than individual provision.
                             (a)  Hospital– Collective or public hospital will certainly be cheaper and better in comparison
                                to the cost in availing medical facilities or a doctor at home. Also, it is not possible
                                for every family to afford private medical facilities.
                            (b)  Electricity– Collective electricity, i.e., electricity from State Electricity Boards or
                                BSES in Delhi is cheaper than that of running generator in the house.

                          3.  Does availability  of good health  and educational  facilities  depend  only on amount  of
                             money spent by the government on these facilities? What other factors could be relevant?
                        Ans.  No, it does not only depend on amount of money spent. It also depends on the capabilities
                            of the doctors and quality of the medicines in the case of health facilities. In education,
                            the quality of the teachers is important.

              E-6                                                                                       Economics  Class X
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